16. Regrets & Farewell

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As they all gathered in Future Harper's living room, the atmosphere brimmed with curiosity and tension. Future Harper had strictly warned them not to inquire about anything from the future, fearing the consequences of altering the timeline. But Alex couldn't resist her urge to question why Future Harper was writing stories about their lives and selling them.

Harper sighed, trying to find the right words to explain herself. "I understand that these are your secrets, but in the future, wizards and magic are no longer a big deal. I'm just trying to make a living by selling these books when I visit the past."

Alex's frustration bubbled over, her voice edged with anger. "You can't just invade our privacy like that, Harper! These are our lives, and you're exploiting them for profit."

Future Harper tried to explain, "I didn't mean to invade your privacy, Alex. In the future, magic and wizards are common knowledge. People are fascinated by our stories, and I saw an opportunity to share them."

"But you're sharing intimate details without our consent," Alex retorted, her arms crossed tightly. "It's not fair to us. How would you feel if someone did that to you?"

Future Harper's expression softened, realizing the impact of her actions. "You're right, Alex, and I'm sorry. I didn't fully consider how it would affect you. But I promise, I won't reveal anything too personal. It's just meant to be entertaining stories."

"That's not the point!" Alex exclaimed. "Our lives are not for entertainment. They're ours, and we should have control over how they're shared with the world."

Harper's shoulders slumped, feeling the weight of Alex's disappointment. "I never wanted to hurt you, Alex. I just thought it could be a fun way to make some extra money. But I see now that it was a mistake."

Alex's anger softened into frustration. "It's not just about the money, Harper. It's about trust. I trusted you to keep our secrets, and you betrayed that trust."

Future Harper looked remorseful. "I never meant to betray you, Alex. Please believe me. I just wanted to share our adventures with the world, but I see now that I went about it the wrong way."

Alex sighed, her anger dissipating slightly. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me, Harper, but it still hurts."

A heated argument ensued, with Alex expressing her disappointment and Future Harper trying to justify her actions. Justin and Max attempted to intervene, but their efforts only seemed to fuel the fire of the argument.

Amidst the turmoil, Y/N felt torn, understanding both sides of the conflict. He saw the perspective of his friends but also recognized Future Harper's predicament. As the argument reached its peak, Alex stormed out of the room, followed by Justin and Max.
Left alone with Y/N, Future Harper knew she had to act quickly. "Y/N, please stay. I need your help with Alex."

"Look, Harper, I get that you're trying to do something exciting, but Alex has a point. Sharing our lives without our consent feels invasive."

Future Harper sighed, understanding the dilemma Y/N was facing. "I didn't mean to cause any harm, Y/N. In the future, everyone knows about magic and wizards and..... dragons, and our stories are celebrated. I thought sharing them in the past would be a way to connect and inspire others."

"But what about our privacy?" Y/N questioned. "These stories are personal, and we should have the right to decide if and when they're shared."

Future Harper nodded, her expression regretful. "You're right, Y/N. I should have considered your feelings more carefully. I didn't realize how much it would affect you all."

Y/N sighed, feeling torn between his loyalty to his friends and the potential excitement of sharing their adventures. "I just don't want anything to come between Alex and Harper's friendship. They've been through so much together."

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now