3. Competition

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Location: Waverly Substation.

"Hey mom, hey dad! I want to talk about van heusens." Justin called his parents as he entered the shop, confident enough to talk about his feelings for juliet.

"Have you figured out a way to destroy them and to send them into the bowels of the earth?." Jerry asked. Everyone brought their attention towards justin.

"No!...Actually not all the van heusens are evil." Justin said

"Van heusens ARE Evil! So is anybody that is related to them, friends with them and eats at their restaurant." Theresa warned. "Now...What do you wanna tell us honey?" She caressed her son's shoulder. 

Justin was too stunned and confused to answer his mom and dad. He took a deep breath and said "That...An average temperature of an igloo is 61 degree fahrenheit, when people are in it." He chuckled nervously which made alex roll her eyes at her brother's nuisance.

"That's nice. Maybe one day, you grow up, buy an igloo and build the whole restaurant around it." Theresa gestured all around the restaurant. "Just like your father." She rolled her eyes before getting back to do her chores.

"I am an entrepreneur!" Jerry exclaimed at his wife's sarcasm and followed her in a huff. 

"Justin! What was that?" Alex raised a brow.

"I dont know..I freaked out." Justin sighed.

"Justin! Justin!" Juliet came rushing into waverly substation.

"Juliet? What are you doing here?" Justin asked.

"I-I told my parents" Juliet gulped anxiously.

"Wow! That-That was quick."

"Well, it didnt took long for me to say I like justin and for them to say WHAT! " Juliet said. "How did your parents take it?" She asked.

"Yeah-uhm-I-uhm-need another day with it." Justin smiled nervously.

"I dont think you have another day." Juliet said, which made justin and alex to look at each other in confusion. "You might have another five seconds, just squeeze it in." juliet continued.

"What do you mean just five sec-" Justin trailed off when he saw the door was kicked open, revealing Alucard and cindy Van heusen

"We are here to reclaim our daughter!" Alucard Yelled. 

"Who are you?" Jerry asked.

"Alucard Van Heusen! and this is my wife, cindy." Alucard said. Jerry and theresa had no idea about what is going on. "All the sneaky tricks you used, sending your boy over to play with my juliet's affections, that is love! Now PREPARE TO MEET YOR DOOM.." Al trailed off when he saw alex standing near the counter. "Oh look, Opera's here."

"Hi Al, Cindy." Alex giggled.

"Ah! let's cut to it." Cindy rested her hand on jerry's shoulder and warned "Your son needs to stay away from our daughter. She does not know what she is doing, you know? her fangs have not even come out yet." 

"You are dating our competition?" Jerry asked justin.

"Dad we really like each other." Justin said with a straight face.

"Oh! I get it!" jerry walked closer to Alucard. "You sent your daughter in here to make Justin fall in love and thats the part of your SICK plan to DESTROY us!"

"How would that destroy us?" Justin exclaimed.

"Th-They are VAMPIRES!" Jerry imitated a vampire bite and yelled. "They are smarter, and more cunning than we are....They are like shee-Wolves..." 

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now