22. Clashing Hearts

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Wizard World

In the dark and eerie realm of the wizard world, Nega, had begun to establish his reign of terror. His dark powers and charisma had attracted followers—monsters who saw his ruthless approach as a means to finally assert their dominance over the wizard world.

Nega's chamber, adorned with ominous sigils and lit by sinister candlelight, was where he held counsel with his newfound minions. His slitted red eyes gleamed with dark anticipation as he looked upon his loyal subjects.

"Listen closely, my loyal ones," Nega commanded. "The time has come to expand our influence and deal a crippling blow to the wizards who've oppressed our kind for far too long."

His minions, a mix of monstrous beings from different corners of the wizard world, nodded fervently. They believed in Nega's vision—a world where monsters and dark magic would reign supreme.

Nega leaned forward, his eyes locking onto one particular minion, a shadowy creature with tentacles and fangs. "You," he hissed, "Go to the mortal world, find information about a human named Alex. She's a key to what I desire."

With a nod of obedience, the minion vanished in a swirl of shadows, embarking on its mission to the mortal realm.

Weeks passed, and the minion, successful in its task, returned to the wizard world. It recounted its findings to Nega, who listened intently.

"They are hunting a mummy," the minion reported. "A mummy that's kidnapped a close one to them."

A wicked grin spread across Nega's face. "Ah, an opportunity presents itself. The mummy can serve as the key to winning Alex's heart, which, in turn, will make her reveal her deepest secrets."

Nega raised his hand, and his minions watched in awe as a sinister portal opened, revealing the mortal world beyond. "Go forth, my loyal servants," he commanded. "Find this mummy and bring it to me."

His minions nodded and stepped through the portal, leaving Nega in his chamber, contemplating his newfound knowledge.

As Y/N and his companions gathered in their secret sanctuary, a sense of unease hung heavy in the air. They knew that Nega, the malevolent entity created from Y/N's own blood, posed a growing threat. However, they remained unsure of his current whereabouts or intentions.

Y/N, the powerful dragon who had faced Nega in battle before, was deep in thought when an unsettling sensation overcame him. His vision blurred, and he felt himself being drawn into a surreal mental realm—a place where he saw the world through Nega's eyes.

In this dark and malevolent perspective, Y/N witnessed Nega's thoughts and desires. He watched, helpless, as Nega's sinister plans unfolded before him.

Nega, aware of Y/N's presence in this mental realm, turned his attention to him with a malevolent grin. "Ah, dear brother," he sneered. "I've been expecting you."

Y/N struggled to break free from this mental connection, but Nega's power was overwhelming. He couldn't control the visions that flashed before him.

Nega's voice echoed ominously in Y/N's mind. "You may have eluded me for now, but I've become more powerful than you can imagine. And I have a particular interest in a certain human—Alex."

Fear gripped Y/N's heart as he realized Nega's intention. He saw glimpses of his minions being sent to the mortal world, their dark mission clear. They were searching for Alex, the one person he cared deeply about in the mortal world.

Desperation welled up within Y/N as he fought to regain control. "Nega," he hissed, "You won't harm her. I won't allow it."

Nega's eerie laughter echoed in the mental realm. "We shall see, dear brother. We shall see."

Wizards Of Waverly Place. Alex Russo X M! Reader {Almost done writing ending}Where stories live. Discover now