Chapter 5

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I knew Abby didn't have anything business casual to wear to the office since we left all of her and Bella's things at that awful house, so I had Lauren drop by a couple of things that would be presentable and hopefully fit Abby for now. The shopping could happen later for Abby and Bella; luckily, Rose had outgrown some clothes.

Abby was small, about five feet six inches. I assumed a size four would work, but I wasn't positive. I shouldn't even have considered her size, but she was so small and fragile that it was hard not to.

It was morning, and I had already fixed breakfast for Bella and Abby. I knocked on the guest bedroom door and waited.

"Come in!"

I entered the room and saw Abby wearing a navy blouse, black blazer, knee-length pencil skirt, and flats. Abby smoothed the skirt down and glanced up at me.

"Does this look alright for the office?"

I gulped, hoping she wouldn't notice. "It's perf- I mean, it's nice. It'll be fine for the office. Does it fit right? I didn't know your size and had Lauren pick a few things."

I don't know why I asked if it fit because it did. The skirt showed every curve Abby had, and I couldn't help but stare, but I forced my eyes back into hers because staring wasn't appropriate.

Abby nodded. "It fits great. Tell her thanks for picking it out. I've never owned anything like this before." Abby turned to the mirror and smiled as she admired herself.

"I feel professional." She let out a small chuckle, and hearing her laugh made me smile. She hadn't seemed happy since she had come here, but the laugh and smile meant progress was being made.

"Good. Breakfast is on the counter, so eat up, and then we can drop Bella off at preschool. You can get off at four, and I'll have Rodney bring you back here," I explained.

Abby turned her head to me, looking confused. Right, I hadn't told her who Rodney was. "Who's that?" She asked.

"Rodney is my driver. The Lamborghini is my vehicle. The black SUV is what I go to work in, and Rodney takes me unless I feel like driving."

Abby nodded. "Fancy. You got everything here, don't you? Do you have a chef, too?"

Abby was only curious and didn't mean any harm with her questions. "Occasionally. I usually like to cook by myself. If I have a large gathering, I will hire caterers."

"Huh, interesting." Abby tapped Bella on the head, and she looked up from Abby's new cell phone. "Sweetie, go eat breakfast. I will be there in a few minutes." Bella skipped to the kitchen, leaving Abby and me alone.

"What's on your mind? It seems like something is bothering you."

"It's nothing to worry about right now. We can, uh, talk about it later, I guess." Abby pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail and walked out the door. Something was bothering her. I was not too fond of secrets and almost always found them out.

In the kitchen, Bella and Abby were eating. Bella hopped off the stool and hugged my leg. "Thank you for breakfast, Jace. It was yummy."

I chuckled. "You're welcome. Get your bag for preschool, okay? We're going to leave in five minutes." Bella nodded and skipped to the bedroom. "She's in a good mood."

"Yeah, it's because no one has been hurting her, and well, these Mickey Mouse pancakes."

"I'd never hurt her," I said, washing their dishes. "Or you."

"I know that. I've seen the way you are with her. She likes you a lot." Abby stood up from the stool.

"What about you? Do you like me a lot too?" I chuckled.

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