Chapter 31

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Since Bella moved in with Ryan, the house has been much quieter, and Bella has never been a loud, obnoxious kid. She was, at times, shy and very considerate of how loud she was being. That said, I had to play music almost continuously so I wouldn't be annoyed by the dead silence. Please don't get me wrong; silence now and then was okay. Sometimes, the quiet was too much.
Bella's room wasn't empty. She took most things with her and left a few for when she came over to have sleepovers. Usually, she just spent the night with Lauren because of Mia and Rose. Part of that saddened me, although I knew Bella would start growing up eventually. I mean, she is going to start kindergarten next month. I remember the day she was born and how precious Bella was. She's still the sweetest, most thoughtful kid I know.

Today, Jace and I went back to work for a little bit here in Florida; then, we were back on a flight to New York to help move things along with the new building. Jace needed to stay for a few days, and I didn't feel the need to stay that long. I was simply in the way, but that was my opinion. Jace said I wasn't in the way and was welcome to help pick out the floor designs. I told him that was okay and I'd go home to work on my book even though it was quiet. All I had to do was play music and let the words flow onto the computer.

Not having Jace around led me to do some good writing. He seemed to be the reason why I was having writer's block, or at least I think he was. This was the first time I'd been without him since everything with Blaze happened, and I was okay. I was great, actually, and feeling quite accomplished. I've finally gotten several chapters done. Maybe, just maybe, this book will be finished before the year is over. A girl can only dream, right?

Right before noon, I heard the doorbell ring. I saved my work on my laptop and closed it shut. Not bothering to check the cameras, I went straight to the door to look out the peephole to see who it was.

No way. Out of all the people who showed up on the front doorstep of this house, I didn't expect to see my father. "What do you want?" I asked without opening the door.

"So you do live here. That's what someone from the company told me. I don't want any trouble. I only want to talk to you."

"You don't want trouble? Then why did you ask someone where I lived? Do you know how much pain you caused Bella and me?!"

"Do you know how much I regret that? I've gotten help since I last saw you and haven't touched a drop of alcohol since. You're still my daughter, Abigail. I was a good father to you once, and I'd like to be that again," Lee said. I opened the door, and my father made eye contact with me. "You look so much better. Happier and healthier from what I can see. Is it true?"

"Is what true?" I asked.

"Are you happier and healthier? Did leaving make things better for you?" Lee asked.

"Of course they did! The night I left, I almost got run over by a car with Bella in my arms. I feared what would happen next, but the man in that car saved my life. Sure, things have happened since then that have been chaotic, but I wouldn't change a thing. Leaving you behind was not a regret."

Lee nodded. "Good. I'm glad it wasn't. How's your mother? I haven't been able to get in touch with her. I didn't know if she got better or had any contact with you."

My mother hadn't been spoken of in a while. "She's dead. She got with one of her exes and kidnapped Bella. Then, when we went to rescue Bella, she overdosed on drugs. Nina went to the hospital, and a couple of days later, she overdosed again and died."

Lee shook his head in disappointment. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything you've gone through. Bella too. Is she here? I want to apologize to her, too."

"No, she isn't here, and if she were, I wouldn't let you see her. That child has gone through enough, and the past doesn't need to be brought back up. Bella is happy with her dad," I said.

"Her dad?" Lee asked. "You found Bella's dad?"

I nodded. "With the help of Jace, I did. Why am I telling you all of this?" I shook my head. "Why are you here? What do you want?" I asked. I didn't want to sound harsh, but I wanted to know the truth. Why would my father show up out of the blue?

"Again, I'm sorry. I came by to give you this." Lee handed me an envelope. "I worked with Vance to get some money from Jace's company. That day you returned to get your things, Jace's business card fell out on the floor. I had Vance hack into his accounts to get money. We split it. This envelope has all the money we took from the company. I regret a lot of things in my life. Please know that I'm so proud of you for turning out well. Whether you forgive or ever love me again, know I love you."

I took the envelope from Lee, and he started down the steps. He seemed genuine; however, I wasn't ready for the forgiveness, or I love you stage. "Dad?" I called out. Lee turned back to me, and my mouth curved into a slight smile. "Thank you for doing what was right. I hope you'll continue to do that. Maybe one day I'll forgive you. I need some time."

Lee nodded. "That's understandable. Take all the time you need. One more thing. Does he make you happy?" I cocked my head at him. "I saw the ring on your finger."

I glanced down at the ring and smiled. "The happiest I've ever been."

"Good. I'll see you around, I guess. Bye, Abigail."
My father walked down the sidewalk and then disappeared.

I went back inside, closed the door, and locked it. When I sat back down at the desk with my laptop, I saw a missed phone call from Jace, so I dialed his number.

"Hey! I tried to call you, but you didn't answer. I was worried. I saw your father on the security cameras, but the internet must be out because I lost sight. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay. My dad returned some money he said he stole from your company. You dropped a business card when I went to the house to get my things. He used that to find me and had Vance help him."

"Is that all he wanted?" Jace asked.

"He also apologized for everything that happened and told me he'd gotten help. He says he hasn't had alcohol since he last saw me. My dad looks more like himself than I've ever seen Jace. It was weird."

"Did he leave? Because if something happened, I could come home. You know I hated you going back by yourself. I don't like leaving you unless you're okay with it."

"Jace, I am okay. I've made peace with it all. I can be alone. Maybe not for so many days, but I can be alone. Just come home when this project in New York is done. I might have to buy a dog to help keep some noise in this house."

Jace chuckled. "Now that can be arranged. You can have as many dogs as you want."

"Okay, you can't take back those words. You said them. Don't be alarmed if you come home and four dogs sit on your couch."

Jace chuckled some more at my response. "Maybe no more than four dogs."

"You've been warned! I love you, Jace."

"I love you too, Abby. Seriously, though, don't get four dogs at one time. Four dogs are fine, but at least let one get settled in before getting another."

I laughed. "I won't get that many dogs while you're away. Don't worry about me."

"I always worry about you. I'll call you later. I need to talk to one of the construction workers."

Jace and I ended the call, and I was back to writing. It's still too quiet. Maybe I did need a dog after all.

Just not four. Two would suffice.

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