Chapter 19

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"Stop!" I yelled. I jolted out of my sleep and opened my eyes, realizing it was only a night terror. The nightmares never seemed to stay away for long. I hoped therapy would make them go away for good, but I was wrong.

"Hey, Abby, it's okay." Jace consoled me and wrapped his strong arms around me for comfort. "I'm right here and not going anywhere."
Jace was so caring when I had my nightmares. He was always there when things seemed to go wrong.

"I know. I'm okay. This bad dream was different, though. You were in it, and someone was hurting you." I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts. "There has to be something else I can do to stop these nightmares. Should I cut out caffeine and exercise more?" I asked.

"Those ideas might help improve your sleep. It can't hurt to try, but for now, why don't you try to get more sleep? We have court in a couple of hours." Jace kissed my forehead, and we both went back to sleep.

The court was in a couple of hours. I'd have to face Blaze, but I knew many people were on my side. Layla and I had kept in touch, and although I didn't see her often, she told me she'd be there for support. Lauren was coming with Callum, and Ryan was coming too. It never occurred to me that Ryan would become special to me once he became a part of Bella's life. Bella would be in daycare, and Mia and Rose would be in school. Cindy and Eric were showing support, and I was so grateful.

When Jace and I had dinner the other night, I never realized how close the court date was. I'd put it deep in the back of my mind because I didn't want the day to come, but now that it was here, it would be over shortly.

My hands began to shake as I stood outside the courtroom doors in a knee-length gray dress and flats. I was nervous.

"Hey," Jace said, grabbing my hands. "It's going to be alright. We are all here for you." Jace gave me a reassuring smile, and I looked at everyone else doing the same.

"Thank you guys—all of you. To have you here for support means the world to me. I want to go in and get this over with and put it all behind me."

We all walked into the courtroom together. I sat with my lawyer while Jace and the others sat behind me. I patiently waited until I heard the doors I'd just come through open again. I didn't look right away. I waited a few minutes and then turned my head to find Blaze sitting several feet away from me in handcuffs. He was staring straight ahead and not at me, so I quickly looked out before he did.

The judge entered the room, and the court session began. I eventually had to go up to the stand and solemnly swear to tell nothing but the truth. The truth was the only thing I would ever tell from this day forward.

Blaze's lawyer began to question me after mine already had. "So, Miss Emerson, you claim that my client sexually assaulted you in the workplace while no one was there to help you?"

"Yes, they did a rape kit when I was in the hospital. You can see the pictures my lawyer showed from the attack."

"My client claims you spilled coffee on him, which caused him to change shirts. Are you sure you didn't intend to spill coffee on him?"

I frowned. "I did not intend to spill coffee on Blaze. I wasn't looking where I was going, so I bumped into him. After that, he got physical with me, and I couldn't stop him because he was too strong. No one else was in the office to help because he sent them home. My driver Rodney can tell you he saw them all go home before I did."

The man nodded and asked more questions. Questions I didn't want to answer. How could he not see the evidence and realize his client was guilty? Why would I make all of this up?

When the questioning was over, I was able to sit down. The courtroom doors opened again, and I turned to see who it was and froze.


Our eyes locked, and he smiled at me. I never thought I'd see him again. I quickly looked at Jace, and he saw the fear in my eyes. He then looked at Fabian and frowned.

Fabian sat behind Blaze, and the trial proceeded. We were in the courtroom for another hour, and finally, the verdict was announced.

"On account of first-degree sexual assault, I now sentence Blaze Harrison to thirty years in prison."

I jumped up, hugged my lawyer, and hugged Jace. "It's over, Abby. It's over," Jace whispered.

Happy tears rolled down my cheeks, and Jace smiled at me and wiped them away. "I'm so glad." Jace pressed his lips to mine. "It's finally over."

Hugs went all around the courtroom, and finally, we made it outside. Ryan and Layla went on their way while the rest of us would go out to celebrate at lunch.

"Hey, Abby," a voice said from behind. I turned to face Fabian, and Jace stood directly behind me, towering over me. "Good to see you again."

"I'd keep moving if I were you," Jace said. I put my hand in his and squeezed his hand tight. "Abby wants nothing to do with you, and neither do I."

"You'll be seeing me around. I'm sure of it," Fabian said. He smirked and stepped closer to me, but Jace moved before me.

"You won't be seeing any of us around. I'll be sure to have you arrested. You and Blaze have caused enough damage in Abby's life."

"Arrested for talking to an old friend? That's a little absurd, don't you think?" Fabian laughed.

"Leave," Jace said. Fabian put his hands up in defeat and quietly walked away from us. Jace turned to me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I would've been scared without you or anyone else here. I'm okay, though. He's gone now, and I don't think he'll return. I think he was messing with me."

"I hope so, but even if he wasn't, I'm not leaving. I'll hire you a bodyguard if I have to."

I chuckled. "A bodyguard? Can't you be my bodyguard? I don't want someone else."

Jace smiled. "I can make arrangements. Callum is now my partner for Dawson Enterprises." Jace glanced at Callum.

"Hey man, do what you need to do. Take a vacation if you want. We all have it under control. This situation was stressful, and you two should take some time away." Lauren nodded and grabbed Callum's hand. The two smiled at us and walked off.

Jace glanced at me, and I shrugged. "So, where are we going?" I asked.

"How does New York sound? You said you wanted to go, and when you mentioned the cooking class the other day, I thought, why not tour my Aunt Marie's restaurant? Maybe even get a couple of cooking lessons from her? Minus the peanut oil."

I chuckled. "That would be fun! I'd love to learn from your aunt. Her food was amazing."

Jace kissed my forehead and grabbed ahold of my hand. "Don't worry about packing a bag. We will leave from here and get you anything you want in New York."

My eyes went big. "You spoil me, you know?"

"It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get to spoil you. You deserve nice things and long vacations."

From the courthouse, Jace and I boarded the private jet. I sat in the window seat and admired the view while Jace talked to the pilot.


I'd told Abby I was talking to the pilot outside when, in reality, I was admiring the ring I had in a little blue velvet box.

Don't get too ahead of yourself, Jace. It's only a promise ring.

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