Chapter 35: The Sequel

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Since I met Jace, my life has been like a sweet dream. It's hard to believe that I'm now standing on the balcony of The Westin Excelsior Hotel, looking out at the beautiful country of Rome, Italy, for our honeymoon; I can't help but smile. Jace and I married a year and four months after he proposed using our adorable pup, Lady. Our December wedding was beautiful. It was held in New York, where I saw beautiful snowfall for the first time in a long time. I still reminisce about our wedding day and vows, which seem like yesterday.

"It took me 28 years to find the woman of my dreams, and now I'm standing before her, giving her my last name and the best life I can give her. I find it funny how my sister said you were the one I was meant to marry. I wasn't sure when we first met, but I knew you were the one for me the second we started dating. We've been through more things than I can count, but I wouldn't want to do them with anyone but you. You make me laugh and smile. Your heart is pure gold, and you shine like the sun. You're beautiful inside and out, Abby, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Building a family has been a dream of mine, and you will make the best mother to our future children. Thank you for being there when I needed it and stepping into the street that day at four in the morning. We have a crazy love story if you ask me, but it's one worth telling. I love you," Jace said.

Tears were streaming down my face and Jace's, too. I'd never seen him cry until now. "Jace Dawson, where do I even begin? You are my hero and my biggest supporter. I had it rough, and I can't thank you enough for saving me so many times. I will forever be grateful for you, no matter what life brings us. You came into my life when I was in need and welcomed me with open arms. You make me feel whole and loved entirely. You were the first man to tell me I was beautiful and mean it. You were the first to kiss me and embrace all my flaws. Jace Dawson, I don't know what I would do without you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me. Thank you for picking me to be your wife. I love you so much."

We said I do and kissed in front of our family and friends in an event center in New York City. They cheered for us as we became Mr. and Mrs. Dawson.

Our wedding was more than I ever imagined. Lauren was my matron, and Layla was my maid of honor. Jace had Callum as his best man and Shane as his other groomsman. The wedding was small but so perfect. My dad, Lee, walked me down the aisle, too. Crazy right? I forgave him and saw he truly had changed. I was proud of him and glad I could have my father back. Jace was very supportive of all the decisions I made.

We postponed our honeymoon until May, and now we are in Italy, taking in all the sights we possibly can.

Everyone else is doing fantastic. Bella is now seven years old and a second grader, but soon, she will be in third grade and an eight-year-old. I cried when she first went to kindergarten and would sob until she was out of school. Bella was my practice kid, and I think I did a pretty good job. Lauren and Callum eloped before Jace and I married. Mason, their son, was born in April, months before the wedding, and has the most packed head of hair. I can't wait for him to grow up with his cousin.

Yeah, that's right, I'm pregnant. A whole two months, and I'm shocked. After the trauma I'd been through, I wasn't sure I would be able to have children, but here I am, two months pregnant, not showing, and ready to tell Jace. A few minutes ago, he went to the hotel lobby for snacks. I've been craving Lay's potato chips, and Jace hasn't had a clue. No one else knows I'm pregnant, and it's been a hard secret to keep. I've got a tiny onesie I purchased here in Italy. It says it's my first time in Italy. I thought it was adorable, and our kiddo would have to come back here to wear it.

Jace texted me and said he was coming back up, so I quickly put the onesie, the pregnancy test, and little Converse sneakers on the bed. I stood before it to block Jace's view, and he came through the door.

"I got three bags of original and barbecue lays." Jace glanced up at me. "Why are you standing like that?" He asked.

"Oh, no reason," I chuckled. I moved out of the way, and Jace stepped forward. The smile on my face was huge.

Jace glanced back at me with surprise across his face. "You're pregnant?!" I nodded, and Jace embraced me. "Oh my gosh, Abby, that's amazing news! I thought you weren't sure it would be able to happen?"

"I wasn't sure," I said, tears falling. "But it happened! We're going to be parents! I can't wait to finally have a family with you."

"We will be great parents. I can't wait for the little ones to run around our house." Jace kissed my forehead. "This is exciting news, and your book goes out tomorrow, right?" Jace asked.

I nodded. "Yes, it does, and I can't wait for the world to read it."

"You never told me what your book is called. I know it's about your life, but what's the title?"

I smiled. "The Escape."

It all started with a frightened woman and a small child trapped in an abusive situation. All she wanted to do was escape. When she finally does run, there's more chaos and one day, she leaves it all behind to start a life with the stranger who helped her when she'd finally had enough.

The Escape

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