Chapter 9

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It was Christmas Eve morning, also known as Bella's fifth birthday. Since we'd come down to Jace's penthouse in West Palm Beach, Bella had been sleeping alone, which made me so happy. I hadn't woken up in the middle of the night to tend to her crying or carry her to my bed.

When I crawled out of bed, I began preparing for the day by showering and washing my hair. I put on a pair of ripped jeans Lauren gave me and an off-the-shoulder red and black plaid top. I paired it with my combat boots. Those were the only shoes I had the entire time I'd known Jace, aside from the flip-flops Lauren lent me and then said I could keep for the beach.

In the kitchen, Cindy and Eric sat at the counter on the barstools, eating eggs and French toast made by the chef. I joined them and sat down next to Cindy. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

Cindy nodded. She had a mouthful of food and chewed it all to respond. "Oh dear, I slept great! How about you?"

"It was good," I said, smiling. Jace came around the corner, and he must've been outside because he had sunglasses on. He wasn't wearing a shirt and had sweat across his forehead and chest.

"Good morning," Jace said. He took a swig from the glass of orange juice sitting in front of him. "Birthday girl still sleeping, huh?"

"Yes, she is. I figured I'd let her sleep as long as she wants." I took a bite of the eggs on the plate before me. My stomach had been growling all morning. "Does she get Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast?"

Jace laughed. "She gets anything she wants today. Well, within reason, at least." Jace finished off his orange juice and put the glass in the dishwasher. "I've got to hop in the shower, but I'll be back to eat breakfast in a bit."

"Oh, sweetheart, how was the weather outside? Was it good for a jog?" Cindy asked.

Jace nodded. "It was great, Mom. You and Dad should take a walk while the sun is still out. I heard it's supposed to rain soon. I'm hoping it holds out for a bit because I got Bella something for outside." Jace connected eyes with me. What could he have gotten her that is done outside? There are many things, but we were at the beach, too, so there was no way I'd guess it. Jace left the room to shower, and I, for some reason, felt the need to kiss him again.

Jace was beautiful with his black hair and green eyes. His height was also a good factor, as was his personality. There wasn't anything I could think of that I didn't like. He scared me the day we first met, but he had come from work and was stressed. Jace also didn't realize I was carrying a toddler, and I had walked out into the road not paying attention because I feared where I'd end up. Jace had protected me since we met. The incident at the other house wasn't his fault. He's kept me out of harm's way by taking Bella and me in.

I couldn't sit there longer thinking about Jace, so I excused myself from the kitchen and walked down the hall to Jace's room. Before walking in, I peeked in on Bella, who was still sound asleep. Jace's door opened as I was about to knock, and I froze. He stood in jeans, no shirt, and a towel draped over his neck.

"Hey, sorry. Were you about to knock?" I nodded. What did you need?"

"I uh... never mind."  I turned to leave, but Jace pulled me back to face him and into his room, closing the door behind him.

"You've got to quit doing the thing of not telling me what's going on. It's driving me crazy." Jace leaned down and cupped my face with his hands. He pressed his lips to mine and pulled back to stare into my eyes. "Do you know how hard it is not to do that?"

I giggled. "I-I came to get that. I'm tired of being scared of what will happen. I can't say I will never be scared again because I can't overcome trauma in one day, but I want to try this. You told me I could choose what happens, and I choose right now. Kiss me," I said. Jace's eyes widened in surprise.

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