Chapter 33

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I've never been famous, nor have I ever wanted to be. The spotlight seemed too much, especially when camera lights flashed at you every second while trying to make your way to the event center door. How could anyone ever have any privacy? Jace was lucky he wasn't a celebrity, or paparazzi could be crawling outside his doorstep.

"You alright?" Jace asked, his arm linked through mine to guide me through the paparazzi and into the building.

"Yeah, maybe a little lightheaded from all the lights. I'll be okay once we're inside."
The paparazzi began to shout at us to stop for pictures, but we ignored them and continued inside.

"Sorry about all that. They will calm down later and hopefully be gone when they realize we aren't coming out for a bit. You're not going to faint, are you?"

I chuckled. "No, I'm not. The lights made me dizzy, but I'm good now that we're inside."

"Glad to hear. Let's go over to our table and wait for Lauren and Callum. My parents are already sitting down," Jace said.

"Wait," I whispered as I grabbed his arm. "Are your parents okay now? I know they've been going to therapy and all."

Jace nodded. "They're doing great now. Shane is supposed to be here tonight, too. I hope he's already here because we're about to start."

Jace and I sat down at the reserved table for us, where Lauren, Callum, and Shane joined us a few minutes later. "Excuse me for a second. Mr. Walter, who's in charge of the charity event, is waving me over. I'll be right back."

"So Lauren, how is wedding planning going? I know there hasn't been much time to do much, but have you set a date?" I asked.

"So far, Callum and I have decided on next spring. Other than that, I don't have many ideas. I don't want anything too big. I would like it, however, if you were my maid of honor!"

I gasped. "What? Are you sure you want me?" Lauren chuckled. "I'm serious. Don't you have other friends you've known longer?"

"I do, but you're my closest to a best friend. Heck, you live next door to me with my brother, plus Jace is Callum's best man, so it works out perfectly! Please be my maid of honor!"

I leaned over and hugged Lauren. "I'd love to! Are the girls excited for you both?"

Lauren and Callum nodded. "Mia started calling Lauren her mom the other day. I told Jace before proposing that she'd wanted to for a while," Callum said.

"I cried when she asked me if she could call me mom. I'm glad I'm so important to her!"

"That is so sweet! I'm glad things are working out for you all." Jace strolled back over to us. "Is it picture time?" I saw the photographer waiting by a backdrop and Mr. Walter's standing there.

"It is. Let's go, and then we can continue the other fun things like dancing." Jace held his hand out, and I took it. The seven of us stood before the backdrop for a photo, and then Mr. Walter stepped in between Jace and Callum.

"Ah, Jace, is this the lovely Abby you told me about a few minutes ago?" Mr. Walter's asked. Jace nodded, and Mr. Walter shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, dear. Jace has helped these starving children in Africa since he started this company. He is one of our sole donors."

"That's amazing. I'm glad he does so much for those in need. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him." The photographer took our photo, and then we each took individual photos—Jace and I, Cindy and Eric, Shane, Lauren and Callum.

Lauren and Callum looked so happy together as the photographer took several different photos of the two. Everything was going great until suddenly, Lauren collapsed. We all rushed toward her.

The EscapeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora