Chapter 21

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Jace's unexpected phone call on the way to Central Park was nothing to worry about, and let me tell you, I was so glad. Jace and I had done enough worrying about several things since we had been together. One of his college friends called and asked to meet because he heard he was in town. News travels fast if you ask me because I didn't know Jace told anyone we were here besides the family back in Florida. Unless someone saw us and Jace didn't realize.

Other than that news, Jace had been taking me all around the different places of New York for the last couple of days, and I was amazed. I'd heard so many stories about New York and how it was huge. The buildings were humongous, and there were so many people.
I knew one thing: I didn't want to live in New York but wanted to return during Christmas.

Tonight, Jace and I were having dinner with his college buddy. His friend Tanner and his wife, Kira. Until New York, I never knew Jace studied here at Colombia College. Impressive if you ask me. I knew Jace was bright from the beginning.

Jace and I went shopping earlier, and I'm glad we did; otherwise, I wouldn't have had anything nice to wear to dinner this evening. After all, we didn't pack a suitcase; we bought things as we went along.
The attire for tonight was what I'd call fancy. I was wearing a black dress with a cutout back and a pair of high-heeled stilettos.

"Have I ever told you that you look beautiful?" Jace said, whispering into my ear as we exited the taxi. I blushed, and he linked his hand to mine. We both went inside to be seated for our seven o'clock reservation and waited for Tanner and Kira while browsing the menu.
The restaurant was called The Capital Grille, and let me tell you, I don't think I've ever seen a cheeseburger cost more than twenty dollars. My eyes met Jace's, and he chuckled. "What?"

"Jace, this place is... I don't even know what word to say."

"If you're worried about it being too expensive, don't. You know I've got you covered." I shook my head at Jace. "Abby, what's wrong?"

I smiled, hoping he wouldn't know it was fake. I didn't know what was wrong, but something didn't feel right. "Nothing is wrong. I'm a little nervous about meeting one of your friends." That part wasn't a lie. We all know what happened with Jace's last friend.

Jace reached for my hand from across the table. "Everything will be fine. Don't worry." Jace turned his head and smiled. "Here they come now."

Jace and I stood, and he introduced me to his friend Tanner and Tanner's wife, Kira, who sat next to me at the table. "Very nice to meet you both." We all sat down to glance over the menu and then ordered.

"So, Jace, how is it going with your company? I've seen all these articles about your change of partners. Seems like it's going well, right?" Tanner asked.

Jace nodded. "It is going very well. Callum is my new partner at Dawson Enterprises and is a great asset. How is it going for you and Kira? I know you both started running your landscaping business recently, right? A change from working at a company like mine."

Tanner nodded. "The landscaping is going well. It's going to be me and my guys for a while now. Kira will be taking some time off. Got a kiddo coming this December," Tanner said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Man, that's great to hear!" Jace congratulated both Kira and Tanner, and I did the same.

"So, Abby, what do you do for a living?" Kira asked.

"Oh, I work for Jace as his assistant," I said nervously. Kira didn't say much after that, and neither did Tanner. The tension between us was weird.

"I hired Abby last year right before Christmas. She was working three jobs and barely getting any sleep to provide for her little sister. I ended up taking them both in and falling for Abby," Jace said. I glanced up at him with a slight smile.

"Oh, Abby, I can't imagine how hard that must've been. You're so lucky Jace was able to help you. And might I say the love story you'll be able to tell your kids and grandkids one day," Kira said, chuckling.

That's when it hit me. I felt sick all of a sudden but smiled, hoping that no one would notice. "Yes, it will be a great story. Excuse me, I need to run to the ladies' room." I stood up and walked to the bathroom quickly, but not so soon that someone would question it.
When I reached the bathroom, I immediately closed the stall door and threw up in the toilet. I sat down and threw up for what felt like forever.

There was a knock on my stall door. "Abby? It's me, Kira. Jace thought I should check on you. Are you alright?" Kira asked.

I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet. Then, I slowly stood up and opened the door. "I'm okay. I just got sick for some reason."

Kira looked at me oddly. "You're not pregnant, are you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Goodness no. Jace and I have never." I began to walk toward the sink when I became wobbly, and Kira made me lean against the wall. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I never get like this."

"Did you eat something bad lately? Maybe you have food poisoning or a stomach bug. Either way, I will get Jace to help you out of here. You need to get some rest. We were all done eating anyway."

"Thank you, Kira." I sat on the floor with my head buried between my knees as Kira went to get Jace.

The bathroom door opened moments later, and I saw Jace crouched before me. "Hey, I knew something was wrong. Kira told me you were throwing up. Let's get you out of here. Tanner and Kira said we should call them anytime we are in New York. They already left." I smiled a little. Tanner and Kira were lovely, even if I didn't get to know them that much tonight.

Jace helped me stand, but the second I did, I ran back to the stall to puke. Jace was right behind me, holding my hair. "I'm sorry," I said. I leaned my head back against the stall. "Something always happens when we go somewhere."

Jace chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ears. "This isn't something you can control. You're sick, babe. Come on, I'll carry you out if I have to."

I shook my head. "I think I can walk now." Jace smiled, and we returned to the hotel, where I slept the rest of the night without puking my guts out.

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