Chapter 14

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The next few days on the yacht with Jace were some of the best days I've ever experienced. Toward the end of our trip, I started to miss Bella. I had been around the kid since she was born, and it was strange to be away for an entire week with her not next to me. The vacation was needed, and it helped me clear my mind. After all that had happened, it was good to get away with just Jace, especially since we began dating. We were still taking it slow, and he was alright with that. I don't know how I got blessed with a patient, caring man like him, but it happened.

Once we were back in West Palm Beach, Bella greeted me with a huge hug. "I missed you a lot! Did you have fun with Jace?" Bella asked.

I nodded. "I did. Jace and I had a wonderful time together. I even brought you back a couple of presents."

Bella clapped her hands and giggled. "Yay! Thank you, Abby. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too, kiddo." I handed Abby a bag that contained a new Barbie doll and a tiny stuffed turtle. She took the bag and ran to the playroom immediately. "Looks like she will be in there a while."

"Her and Rose have been in there a lot. They were great. Callum and his daughter came over too, and they all three are good friends now, or at least I think they are," Lauren said, chuckling.

"That's great. I'm happy she's finally able to act how a five-year-old should," I said.

"How's your leg, and how was the trip? Was it magical and romantic?" Lauren asked.

Jace and I chuckled. "I don't know if you'd consider me almost killing my girlfriend romantic." Lauren's eyes widened in shock. "I forgot she was allergic to anything peanut-related. There was peanut oil in Aunt Marie's chicken. Luckily, there was an epi-pen on that yacht, or else Abby might not be here right now."

"Oh no! That sounds wild! Anything else that happened? Maybe something good?"

I shook my head. "My mom died, and lots of stories unfolded. It was a good time, I thought, don't worry. We will make up for it some other time."

"Aw, Abby, I'm so sorry." Lauren reached out and hugged me. It made me feel better, but nothing could ever change the past. "Something did happen while you were away, but it's nothing to be concerned about. At least, I don't think."

Jace and I glanced at each other, confused. "What do you mean something happened?" I asked.

"While Callum was up here visiting, a man came to visit. I don't know who he was, and he didn't say. He knocked on the door and asked for Abigail Emerson. That's all he said, and when I explained she wasn't here, he left this card." Lauren handed me a business card with the name Ryan Oliver written across it. "He's from LA but lives in Miami."

"I don't know who this is. I've never heard of him before." I handed the card to Jace. "You can look him up and find out about him, right?"

Jace nodded. "I can and I will. We won't contact him until we know what he wants. Let's do it now so we don't have to worry about it later."

I followed Jace into his bedroom, where he pulled up his laptop. He began typing information in while I admired his room. I'd only been in this room once or twice since we'd moved to this house. Jace's bed sheets were black silk, along with a black comforter. A flat-screen was attached to the wall so you could watch from the bed, and then a sliding glass door led to the balcony. "Taking in the view of my room, huh?" Jace asked.

I snapped back to reality and smiled at Jace. "Yeah, sorry. I don't come in here. This house is quite large, and I've only been to certain rooms. How do you live alone in such a big place?"

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