Chapter 30

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Have you ever killed someone? Well, I have, and not many people can say that. I mean, I never wanted to be able to say that. Suppose someone can say that they've probably gone to jail. Jace had security cameras in his living room, so it was plain as day that if I didn't shoot Eli, Jace would be dead. Self-defense is important.

Since Lauren and Callum came back from their trip, I've been busy. First, I had to check out the rock on Lauren's finger. Callum popped the question to her in front of the Eiffel Tower! How romantic! Jace and I were happy for them.

After they returned to town and took their kids back, Jace and I returned to a sense of normalcy, only we added in a couple of new things. I started back with therapy, and it was great. Jace joined me in a cooking class and has now committed to going with me whenever I want. We also took up a boxing class out of the comfort of our home. The instructor was phenomenal, thanks to Jace's expertise in finding talented people.

Another thing I've got going on is I started my book! It has yet to be named, but I'm making progress, and that is good. Jace has also begun construction on his new building in New York. Shane is helping out with that, and he flies down here occasionally to check in and give in-person updates.

Speaking of updates, Jace's parents, Cindy and Eric, are not divorcing, which is good news. They are currently going to couples therapy, though, and according to Jace, it's doing them some good.

Today is Ryan's birthday, and I had a great idea. I was wishy-washy about the whole thing but decided to do it. Bella and I were the only two who knew this little secret. Since Jace has been so busy with the construction plans in New York, I decided to occupy myself with something else. It's July now, the Fourth of July weekend, to be exact—the perfect time to celebrate two things: Independence Day and the secret that shall not be named yet.

"Daddy, are we going to see fireworks for your birthday?" Bella asked Ryan. We were all sitting on the penthouse deck enjoying an afternoon lunch.

"I was thinking about it, kiddo. I love to watch fireworks on my birthday. Some are going on at my favorite spot tonight in Clearwater, Florida. I was thinking we could all take a road trip down there," Ryan said.

"That sounds beautiful. What do you think, Jace? Think we could fly there after lunch?" I asked.

Jace nodded. "Yes, that does sound nice. I can call the pilot now and have him ready unless you'd rather drive, Ryan?"

Ryan shook his head. "If I don't have to drive, I'll take it. Thank you for offering up the jet to go down there. I know it's not that far."

Jace stood up to walk away and call the pilot, then sat back down. "If everyone is done, the pilot said he will be ready in about thirty minutes."

We all stood and piled in the car. It didn't take long, and we were at the airport, walking onto the jet. Bella was amazed because she'd never been on Jace's private plane. "This is so cool, Jace! I want to have a private jet one day and be like you!" Bella sat in the cushiony chair and looked out the window at the view.

We sat down and buckled our seatbelts, waiting for the okay to unbuckle and be able to move around.

When the okay was given a little later, I stood up and faced Ryan and Jace. Bella stood right beside me. "So Ryan, I wanted to get you something special for your birthday. You've been such a great friend to me and the best Dad to Bella. Coming into her life has been amazing. I love her like my kid, but she's not my kid. I had to grow up fast and become a mom to her." I took the envelope out of my pocket and tried not to cry. "Ryan, you know Jace and I have been through a lot in the past and recently. You've been there to take Bella as needed, and I'm so thankful for that. Please take this." I wiped a tear from my eye and could feel Jace staring at me. He had no clue what was in that envelope.

Ryan gasped. "You want me to have full custody of Bella? Abby, I don't know what to say. Why the change?"

"You are her father, and Bella starts school next month. She deserves to be with you more. Bella has spent her whole life with me, and I know she can see me anytime. I know you won't keep her from me. Bella is okay with this, too. She loves you so much, and Ryan, I do, too. I love you for loving her as a father should and keeping her safe." More tears traveled down my cheeks, and Ryan stood to hug me.

"Thank you, Abby. Thank you so much." Ryan sat back down in the chair, and Bella went to sit on his lap and look out the window with him.

Jace came over to me. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

I looked at him and smiled. "You want to marry me, and I want to marry you. We both want to start our own little family. I thought it would be best. Plus, Ryan never did anything to deserve full custody of Bella. He deserves a chance at that."

Jace kissed my cheek. "Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?"

I laughed. "All the time."

A little later, we arrived in Clearwater, Florida. It was beautiful and getting crowded where the fireworks would be. We took our chairs to sit in the perfect spot and enjoyed time on the beach until it got dark.

Bella had a blast playing in the ocean and sand. She built several sand castles and collected many seashells with her Dad. It was weird to call Ryan her Dad after not knowing who he was until a few months ago. Part of me wishes I still had my Dad—the Dad who was caring and concerned about the grades I got in school. That Dad was gone as far as I was worried. I hadn't seen him since last year and didn't plan on it.

"Would you like to walk with me down the beach?" Jace asked, coming up from the ocean. I nodded. He held my hand as we strolled down the beach, watching others play with their kids in the sand and sea. "Do you like living at the beach all the time?"

I shrugged. "I mean, before, I was living close by, and now I'm living on it. It's nice, but I've never known anything different, so I can't say I prefer somewhere else over this. Living here is like a vacation all the time." Jace and I stopped walking to take a look at the sunsetting. "Do you like living here?"

"It has its perks, though it does get tiring being at the beach. People love it here; I've been here almost all my life. It's always so crowded. I might like a change of scenery." Jace turned toward me and held both of my hands. "I asked because I wanted to know if you see yourself living here for the rest of your life or elsewhere. There's a lot of history here, good and bad, but there's always the option to move elsewhere and have a fresh start."

"Jace, anywhere you want to go, I'll go. I'm happiest with you, so wherever we live, I'll adjust as long as I can wake up next to you."

Jace smiled, and we continued to walk down the beach together. We eventually turned around and sat down in our chairs with Ryan and Bella to watch the fireworks. The rest of the evening was magical.

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