Chapter 17

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It was ten o'clock at night, and Miss Emerson still had not returned from work. Something was going on, and it had me worried. I'd seen Blaze come out of the building at least an hour ago, and Miss Emerson was not with him. I exited the car, went to the correct floor, and searched the secretary's office. She wasn't there, so I kept looking in each room.

"Miss Em-"
She was lying on the floor with nothing but her black blazer covering her. I immediately reached for my phone and dialed 911 as I felt for a pulse. It was barely even there. I was afraid to touch her, so I removed my suit coat and placed it over her. Someone did this to her, and the only someone was Blaze. I saw all the other employees leave way before him.

The ambulance came and took Miss Emerson to the hospital. I followed along in the SUV and contacted Jace.


I'd just finished a critical meeting and returned to my hotel when my phone began to ring. It was Rodney. It hadn't been long since I left, and he was already calling me.

"Hey Rodney, what's going on? You miss me or something?" I chuckled, knowing Rodney was probably glad not to see me for several days. The man was a workaholic, but his job was to take me to and from places.

"Sir, you need to come back to town immediately. Something happened with Miss Emerson."

My heart fell to my stomach when Rodney said those words. I knew from the beginning I should've never left her alone. She could've come with me. I threw the hotel TV remote across the room in anger before responding.

"What happened to her? Is she okay? Where is she, Rodney?"

"I'm following the ambulance to the hospital right now. I found her defiled and unresponsive in Blaze's office."

My blood was boiling now. I wanted to crumple my cell phone in the palm of my hand, but I knew it wouldn't help Abby.

Blaze was the cause of this. I knew he was somewhat twisted, but I didn't realize it was this bad. Since I started, he'd been my best friend and partner at Dawson Enterprises. How did I not see the signs? Why would he do such a thing? This made no sense.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm packing up my things now."

I ended the phone call with Rodney and immediately contacted Lauren. They were going to have to extend their trip. I didn't know what condition Abby was in, but I somehow knew Bella did not need to see her like that again.

"Lauren, I need you to listen to me carefully, and don't freak out. It's best not to tell Bella, but Blaze did something to Abby. I know it's what I think, and she's going to the hospital. Rodney is meeting the ambulance there, and I am returning home. She will need time, and I don't know how much."

"I'll bring Bella to my house, and she can stay there. I'll take care of her, don't worry. If you or Abby need anything at all, please call me. I hope she's okay. She's strong and will get through it. I love you."

"I love you too, Lauren. I'll update you as soon as I can." I ended the phone call and went straight to the private jet.

Two hours later, I landed in Florida and went to the hospital, where Rodney was sitting outside the room. "How is she?" I asked.

Rodney shook his head. "She's stable, but she doesn't want to see anyone, according to the nurse. The nurse said she's very shaken up and to give her some time."

I nodded. "I'm going to go in and sit down. I'll go if she doesn't want to see or talk to me. I have to see for myself that she's okay."

Inside the hospital room, Abby's back was to me. She had her knees curled to her chest and looked out the window. I pulled up a chair and sat close to the bed. She could if she wanted to look at me, but I wouldn't sit before her.

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