Chapter 20

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Abby had fallen asleep on the way to New York, and I didn't blame her. Court must've been exhausting for her, but it was a huge relief to have it all over. This trip was something I wanted to do while away on business when the situation with Blaze occurred. Everything that happened after that only strengthened Abby and me as a couple. 

With Abby going to therapy weekly or sometimes more if needed, she became a better version of herself. I loved Abby before, and I love her more now. Seeing her feel more comfortable in her skin after everything she's been through makes me happy. Abby is like sunshine. She brightens every room and each person she comes across. Before, a cloud covered up the sun she had, and now she can finally shine and be who she wants to be.

The ring I had in my pocket might have seemed crazy to others, but to me, it wasn't. To my family, it wasn't. Abby and I had only been dating for five months, which wasn't long. I didn't want to rush her into anything, especially marriage. That's why, with Lauren's help, I purchased the perfect blue sapphire promise ring. It matched Abby's eyes, and I knew she'd love it. The ring promised I would be there for her, love her, and treat her as a man should. I hoped to marry Abby in the future, but for now, I wanted to see where her head was at.

I gently pressed a kiss to Abby's forehead. "Abby, honey, we've landed in New York." Abby's eyes slowly opened, and her blue eyes connected with mine.

Abby smiled. "We're here already?" She asked. Abby glanced out the window, and her smile got bigger. She jumped up from the seat and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you for this! This is amazing."

Before meeting Abby, I'd explored the world and knew she had only been around Florida. Seeing her so happy to explore a new place gave me an idea. "You know I was thinking," I said.

"About what?" Abby put her hands on her hips and squinted at me. "What's up your sleeve, Jace Dawson?"

I chuckled. "I have traveled a lot due to my career, and I thought, what if we went somewhere new each month? Some place you have never been to?"

Abby nodded and seemed surprised. "I've always wanted to travel. Seeing new places excites me." I took Abby's hand in mine, and we exited the plane. My aunt Marie and her husband Richard were waiting for us.

"Hi, sweetheart! It's so good to see you and Abby again!" Marie hugged both of us and introduced Abby to Richard. "Abby, this is my husband, Richard."

Richard smiled and shook Abby's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Abby. I've heard great things about you from my wife and Jace."

Abby smiled. "That's great. I'm so glad Jace and I could finally come here to see you guys. Marie, how is the grandbaby?"

Marie smiled. "She is wonderful! I'll introduce you to my daughter, Sophia, and her husband, Finn. You can even meet their precious angel, Mallory."

"I'd love that," Abby said.

"Well, you two must be hungry. How about we head over to the restaurant, and I can cook you two something delicious? Without peanut oil!"

We all chuckled and got in my Aunt Marie and Richards's car. Abby's face lit up as she looked out the window as the car drove down the streets of New York. When we arrived at the restaurant, her face somehow appeared even brighter than before. I could tell she was mesmerized by all the sights she was seeing.

"Jace, I've heard so many bad things about New York, but from what I've seen, it's so beautiful!"

I nodded. "It is a beautiful place, but New York isn't exactly the safest place., but nowadays nowhere is safe." Abby nodded and put her hand through mine. Her hands were clammy. She was nervous. Why was she nervous? I glanced at her and mouthed are you okay. She smiled and moved closer to me. "You're sure you're alright?" I asked, whispering in her ear. Abby nodded. We got out of the car and joined my aunt and uncle.

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