Chapter 11

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A few days passed, and I'd heard nothing from my mother, which was a good sign. I'd hoped she'd gotten back onto drugs and maybe forgotten all the threats she'd made to me, but that wasn't very likely. I know it was wrong even to think that, but what would you do or think if you were me? After everything I've been through, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When Nina wanted something, she got it. I'd been worried since I spoke to her last, and Jace could see that. He did everything he could to calm my nerves, which worked for a little at a time, but I was never at peace, and I wouldn't be until I knew my mother had no control over taking Bella.

Jace had set a meeting up with his lawyer, Rebecca, and she'd given me a lot of helpful information. If I tried to get full custody of Bella, my mother, and Bella's biological father would be dragged into this. My mother would want control, and I assumed she would get it. Bella's father, on the other hand, was a different story. I didn't even know who he was, where he was, or if he wanted to be part of Bella's life. Hell, I didn't even know if he knew she existed.

Jace gave me the day off to relax, and I was glad he did. I did some work on the laptop at home, and that was it. I spent the morning at the spa pampering myself and then took an hour's nap once I was back at the house. Jace called me around lunchtime as the toaster oven dinged for my toasted turkey sub.

"Hey babe, how is everything going?" Jace asked. "I hope you're relaxing and not overthinking."

My cheeks warmed up at the sound of the word babe. He'd started calling me that since we made it official as boyfriend and girlfriend, and I enjoyed it. "Hi, everything is good. I'm stopping to eat lunch now. How are things at work?"

"They're good, but I occasionally miss glancing through my office window to see your beautiful face." I chuckled at his words. "I should be home earlier. I think within the next hour. We could leave Bella with Lauren and go across town for a nice dinner on the waterfront."

I smiled. "That sounds amazing. I've never had dinner on the waterfront before. It's always been out of my price range."

"Well, babe, nothing is out of price range when you're with me, but if you ever want to go to McDonald's, I won't disagree." Jace chuckled. "Alright, I will see you soon. Have a nice lunch."

"Thank you." I hung up the phone and began to eat my lunch. I was only a few bites into my sub sandwich when the phone rang again. It was the preschool. "Hello?" I picked up my glass of water and took a sip.

"Ms. Emerson, I'm calling to ensure you arranged another ride for Bella. A woman here claims she's Bella's mother, but our records show her mother is deceased." The glass of water in my hand fell to the floor and shattered.

"No, I didn't arrange for another ride. Jace, Rodney, and Lauren are the only people allowed to pick up Bella."

"Yes, ma'am, I wanted to be sure. Bella is still with us." There was yelling on the other end of the phone, and I heard the phone drop and a loud bang. "H-help." The phone call ended, and my heart was racing.
I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my purse, and rushed to open the door, startled by two officers standing before me.

"Abby Emerson?" The woman officer asked. I nodded in shock that they were standing in front of me. "Please turn around. You're under arrest for the kidnapping of a minor."


When I finished all my work for the day, it was four o'clock. It was a little later than I had planned, but it was the usual time I had been leaving when Abby was at the office with me. Rodney was waiting outside for me in the car, and we immediately went to pick up Bella. Only when we arrived was the preschool surrounded by cop cars and two ambulances. The worst thoughts entered my mind as I approached one of the officers for answers.

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