Chapter 22

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When I woke up the following day, I heard the sound of vomiting. This time, it wasn't coming from me. I rolled over in bed and saw it was empty. Oh no. Jace was the one sick now and throwing up.
I left the bed and walked to the bathroom, where his head was hung over the toilet. He looked a little green, and I felt entirely at fault.

"Jace, are you okay? I'm so sorry to have gotten you sick." I bent down next to him, and he faced me.

"It's not your fault. Sickness spreads, and we were already spending time together, so I was bound to get sick if you were. I'm okay, though," Jace said, wiping his mouth.

My mouth curved into a slight smile. "At least I can care for you now instead of vice versa."
Jace shook his head slowly. "Get back into bed to sleep it off. I feel alright for now, so I think that's what you need." Jace stood up, and I linked my arm through him to guide him to the bed, even though I was sure he could handle it. He'd probably be toppling over and knocking me to the floor if he couldn't. I was small and fragile. Jace was built much differently.

"Yes, ma'am. Anything else you'd like me to do?" Jace asked.

I chuckled. "Just get some rest. Would you like any food for later? I can order room service."

"No thanks." Jace muffled through the pillow his head was buried in. I leaned over and kissed Jace's cheek. He peeked out from behind the pillow and looked at me. "You're going to enjoy this, aren't you?"

I smiled. "I hate that I got you sick, but I get to take care of you now. When was that ever going to happen?"

"Sooner or later, I'm sure. Now, I'm going to ask nicely. Can you be quiet because this talking is making me nauseous?"

I quietly laughed and went to the bathroom to shower. While there, I thought about never doing anything for Jace. Aside from cooking him dinner those days before court, I'd never taken care of him. Heck, I didn't even get him a Christmas present last year. I can surely get him something here in New York with all the money I've saved. He's got the stomach bug now, or whatever I had. It was a twenty-four-hour sickness, giving me time to slip out while Jace slept.

After showering, I quietly went over to Jace's pair of dress pants from last night. He'd kept my debit card in his wallet in case I wanted to get something, although he always seemed to buy for me before I could touch that card.

I reached my hand in the pocket and felt the wallet and something else. I pulled both out and gasped. My eyes moved to Jace, who was thankfully still sound asleep, and it's a good thing. A small blue velvet box was inside Jace's pant pocket. I didn't dare open it to see what was inside. Nor did I dare take the card out of the wallet. I put it back where it was to start and then grabbed my cell phone. I'd go through the city and use Apple Pay on my phone instead of carrying around my card.

My shopping adventure didn't last long because I got a phone call from Jace an hour into it all. I knew it would happen sooner or later since I hadn't told him where I was going. Leaving a note would've been considerate, but I didn't even think about something like that.


"Abby, where did you go? I went downstairs to the front desk, and they told me you left about an hour ago. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, I went out to get some things. I didn't want to disturb you. I should've left a note. I'll come back now."

"No, Abby, it's okay. I only wanted to know where you're at. New York is a big place, and I figured you'd be a little scared to venture out alone, but I'm proud of you. Be careful and call me if you need anything. I'll text you my cousin's phone number. He should be able to guide you around some of these. It's my aunt Marie's son, Shane."

"Jace, you don't have to do that. It's not necessary. I'm doing fine by myself."

"Call him Abby. I'd feel it was my fault if something happened while you were alone. Please. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll give him a call as soon as we hang up."

I ended the phone call and did as I told Jace. I called his cousin Shane.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hi, is this Shane? Jace's cousin?"

"This is him. Who am I speaking to?"

"I'm Abby, Jace's girlfriend. We're in New York for a little trip. I don't know if you've heard. We ate with your parents the other day. Anyway, Jace has a stomach bug and wanted me to call you to see if you could guide me around New York. He doesn't want me in this city by myself."

Shane chuckled. "Jace has a girlfriend, huh? It's about dang time. Where are you? I'd be happy to meet you and show you around New York. No more taxis, either. They cost too much."

I smiled. "I'm standing in Times Square right now. I look like I don't belong here. So I'm easy to find."

"I'll be seeing you in a bit, Abby."

Time passed as I walked back and forth in Times Square. Then suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned around to see a man with jet-black hair, brown eyes, and almost Jace's height. "Shane?" I asked.

Shane nodded, and we shook hands. "Nice to meet you, Abby. You're not what I expected, but that's a good thing. You seem good for Jace, and I don't even know you yet."

I laughed. "Thank you. If you don't mind me saying, you look much like him."

"Yeah, it's that Italian blood. Even though we don't have much, we resemble each other. You should see my sister Sophia. She could be Lauren's identical twin practically."

"I think we're supposed to eat dinner with them tomorrow night. I'm assuming that includes you?" I asked.

Shane shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've not heard anything about a dinner. I'm not always invited. Marie is my mother, but Richard isn't my father. My brown eyes come from my father."

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's a shame that you're not invited. I'm sure Jace would love to see you."

Shane nodded. "Yeah, it's been a while." Shane looked around Times Square and then back at me. "Anything in particular you're looking for?"

"Oh yeah. Do you happen to know something Jace might like to have? He has everything, but our relationship is a long story, so to keep it simple, he's done so much for me and given me a lot. Whereas I feel like I haven't."

Shane shakes his head. "I don't know much since I haven't seen Jace in a couple of years, but I'm happy to help you find something. He's the kind of guy that's accepting of any gift. Maybe a watch, tie, or suit coat? Who knows."

"I'm hoping I find something worth purchasing. Thank you again for meeting me."

"You're welcome. I look forward to learning about you and Jace's relationship. Shall we?" Shane asked.

I smiled, and then we were off down the streets of New York City.

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