Chapter 24

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This ring on my finger is so pretty. I've looked at it countless times since it was placed on my finger last night at dinner. Now, I'd be glancing at it throughout dinner tonight, and hopefully, no one thought it was an engagement ring. I'm not thinking that was a bad thing; it's just that it wasn't.

As I sat in the back of the taxi with Jace, I kept admiring the ring, and I felt his eyes on me, so I looked at him. "Does it fit okay? Was the color alright?"

I laughed. "Jace, the ring fits fine, and the color is great. Why do you think I've been admiring it so much? I'm happy with it and with you." I grabbed his hand, and he smiled.

"Sorry, I wanted to make sure it was good. I didn't want you to have an ugly ring that didn't fit." Jace sighed. "I also think I'm a little nervous about dinner tonight. I know it's my family, but I was going to bring up the idea of opening another Dawson Enterprises location. I have the two in Florida, and I thought, why not one in New York."

"Wow, I didn't know you had been thinking about this. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

Jace glanced at me. "I didn't put much thought into it until yesterday if I'm honest. Having a place here means I can work here and see my family more; after all, my parents live here most of the time now when they aren't traveling. I thought it would be good to have my company up here. Plus, New York is huge. Imagine the business I'd bring in."

I nodded. "Well, that is a good idea. I'd always wondered why you only had two locations in Florida and nowhere else. People still buy online from other states, though, right?"

"Yes, but having my company in a building in the state will do wonders. Then we can set up your women's and children's shelter like you discussed."

"Yeah, I talked to Lauren about that, and she thought it was a great idea. She said she could easily work on her laptop while maintaining the shelter. I told her I'd help fund it and set it up if she ran it. She was all for it."

"You don't want to run it?" Jace asked. I shook my head, feeling like he was disappointed. "Why is that?"

"Lauren is the one who should. She went through so much abuse. Our stories have similarities but are different. If I'm honest, Jace, I want to write a book about my life. That sounds wild because someone would know my darkest secrets, but other people could go through something like me. They could relate, and maybe my story will help them." I sighed. "Does it disappoint you that I don't want to run the shelter?"

"Of course not. Why would I be disappointed because you didn't want to do that? I can understand that you and Lauren have different stories with similarities. Your idea of writing a book is very creative. I'm sure it would get lots of success, too."

I smiled. "I'm glad you like the idea and aren't disappointed in me. I don't know what I want to do in life. I know I'm young, but writing about my life seems like the right thing to do. If not, I'm sure I'll find out soon."

"I'll always do my best to be proud of you, Abby. Know that." Jace and I exited the taxi to stand outside Marie and Richard's house. It was huge. Jace's penthouse was large. This place was humongous. I heard Jace chuckling, so I looked at him. "I know, enormous, right?"

"How many bedrooms and bathrooms do your aunt and uncle have?"

"Eight bedrooms and five bathrooms."

"What?!" I gasped. "That's insane. Please tell me she and Richard aren't the only two that live here."

"Sophia and Finn live here with Mallory. They also have a live-in, maid, and chef. Other than that, the other rooms are guest rooms." Jace grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's go inside."

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