Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

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Y/n's POV:

"This is crazy! He lives in a fricken mansion while us on the other hand we live in a garage!" I groaned.

We walked into Trevor's house, and it was huge.

"Bobby's house is ridiculous." I said, walking over to the wall. "Have you seen these platinum records?"

"Platinum?" Luke walked over and looked at the record labels.

"He recorded "My Name Is Luke!" My name is Luke!" Luke said, pointing to the labels.

As we were looking around, we saw a strawberry blonde girl sitting close to a blonde guy. Then eventually we heard the door open and a guy with black hair walked in wearing sunglasses.

"It's him!" I said, looking shocked to see how much he changed.

"Hey, Carrie. I'm going to meditate." Trevor said, walking into the hall.

"He wears sunglasses indoors!" Reggie said, looking just as shocked as everyone else besides Luke.

"Hey dad, I'm in the den!" Carrie said.

"Cool!" Trevor said, going up the stairs.

"I can't stand him." I said, shaking my head. " It's crazy to think that I used to like him back in the day when we were actually human!"

"Time for his past to haunt him." Alex and Reggie said, smiling with mischief.

"Yep." Me and Luke both agreed.

Luke put his arm around my shoulder, and we continued walking but then Alex stopped.

"Wait!" Alex said. "Let's not rush this. You know, it's my... It's my first time haunting someone. I want to make it special."

"Okay, Alex. You just made this extremely weird." We continued on our way.

We followed Trevor upstairs to his meditating room. I looked around and it wasn't very relaxing. I walked over to the candles and blew them out. Trevor looked around and grabbed a lighter lightning the candles back up. I watched as Reggie kept switching his meditating music to rock. Luke stopped him and then gave Trevor a wet willy. I gagged because that was disgusting.

"Ew! Ugh!" Trevor said, sticking his finger in his ear cleaning it.

We walked over to the bathroom, and I started the water knowing that was going to capture his attention to get up and walk over.

"Carrie?" Trevor asked, peeking his head in the bathroom.

Trevor walked in and turned the water off. Luke started writing in the mirror that gave a squeaky noise that made him turn around. On the mirror it said, "Hi Bobby". Trevor looked at the mirror and started shaking in fear. Trevor then tried running through the door, but Alex was holding the door closed while Trevor was trying to push through the door.

"Ugh! Let me OUT!" Trevor said, pushing through the door.

"Shh!" Alex said, silencing everyone.

"No, your name is Trevor. There is nothing that Dr Crystal can't handle. "Bobby quickly went down the stairs.

"I'm going to see my therapist, okay?" Trevor told Carrie and he walked outside to his helicopter. 

"Okay." Carrie said, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Oh my God." I looked at the helicopter that had his face on it.

"Quick! Let's moon him before he gets too far away!" Luke said, looking at Alex and Reggie. 

"Guys that's disgusting-" I said, making a disgusted face.

"He can't see us." Reggie said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's not for him, bro. It's for us." Luke said, while they started unbuckling their belts.

"Whew! Take that, Bobby!" Luke said, shaking his bottom at the helicopter.

"So, did you guys have fun in there?" Julie said, crossing her arms.

Okay, you'd do the exact same if he stole all your songs.

"But you have new songs. With me. The best way to get back at Trevor is for this band to do great. And to do great, we have to play at dances, then clubs. And tours." Julie started explaining but we already knew all that. 

"We know..." Luke told Julie.

"I'll see you at the school. We go on at 9:00. Please don't be late. There's going to be a lot of people there." Julie said, turning around and walking away.

"We got it, all right? Don't worry." I told Julie.

"I don't care what Julie says. I'm glad we scared Bobby. Wish we'd done more, like...-" Luke said, looking at each of us. 

"Like written "thief" on his forehead." Reggie said, cutting off Luke's sentence.

"And, Alex, how did you shut the door? You could barely open a garage door." I asked, looking at Alex.

"Learned that from Willie, didn't you?" Reggie smiled knowing that he knew what was going on.

"Yeah. Well, he taught me some things." Alex started. "And we screamed in a museum."

I raised my eyebrow while everyone looked at him +
It's a long story.

"You think he has a few more tricks up his sleeve?" I asked. 

"Let's find out." Alex smiled.

We poof out of Trevor's house and we went by the skate park. Alex looked around and spotted Willie.

"Hey! Good day, officers." Willie said, laughing. "Hey! What's up, man? You brought friends."

"Yeah. These are my bandmates, uh, Y/n, Luke and Reggie."

"Hey. Cool. I'm Willie. Heck yeah. So... you guys here to learn some "tricks?" Willie introduced himself.

Willie pointed to the police four wheelers and the sirens started going off. The officers looked at the rides.

"Hey, what's going on?" One of the officers said.

While they were distracted with their sirens going off a couple of people who they were talking skated away. 

"Do it again! Do it again!" Reggie cheered on.

"Actually, we were thinking a little bigger." I said and started explaining to Willie. "An old bandmate stole from us. We wanna confront him face-to-face"

"All right. Is this, uh, old friend of yours a lifer?" Willie asked us.

"Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living. Little something I picked up." Alex explained

"Ah! Then, yeah! He's a lifer." Reggie said, throwing in a little sass to his tone.

"Too much of a fancy-pants for street dogs." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Speaking to lifers is even out of my league. You know, but there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He's kind of a big deal."  Willie suggested.

"Literally, anything would help." Luke said, stepping towards Willie.

"Oh, all right. Well, um, I gotta go take care of some things, but I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock. See ya." Willie said and then rolled skated away.

The Boy from Sunset Curve ( Y/n x Luke Patterson)Where stories live. Discover now