Masks [S1/EP8] (Part one)

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Teen Titans Tower, Sunday.

It had been two weeks, and there was still no sign of the doppelganger. Nevertheless, Spider-Girl had been trying to investigate any leads into who this unknown person was. With no sign of her, the only way she could figure out more was by working with Robin to find out Slade's motives.

Deciding to work together had given good results, not anything extraordinary, but some useful information. They had figured out that Slade had an accomplice called "Chameleon" who was spotted in the shadows of some of the footage Slade tauntingly sent out with every new threat he made towards the city.

Robin was able to identify this person as Chameleon due to recognizing them as a mediocre villain from Gotham. Spider-Girl couldn't have guessed, considering she used to live there for a decade and a half of her life. Although she wasn't a superhero at that time, so maybe there were hundreds of low-level villains that only superheroes knew about.

Chameleon... That's one step closer.

It seemed like Robin was slowly noticing Spider-Girl's fixation on finding more about this Chameleon lady rather than Slade. He walked into the investigation room after having a small break, mildly surprising her.

"Any new leads?"

"No." She abruptly replied.

The silence progressed further, Robin's footsteps heard while approaching the table got him to see what she was so focused about.

"Chameleon isn't anyone to be this concerned about," He picked up one of the pictures of Chameleon, "we should be focusing on Slade right now. He's the one causing the most damage to the city."

Easy for him to say.

"Sure..." She muttered, aggressively organizing all the pictures together into a pile, while making an excuse "All I want is to take as many precautions as possible, that's all."

Neither of them was facing the other, both were not willing to get in a fight but also not wanting to stick to the same things. Different goals, with the same declining mindset.

There were sticky notes and notebook pages grazed over the table once all of the information on Chameleon was removed, "You're good at detective work, but it feels like you're using this place for less important things."

She rebuffed, "It's an investigation room; we shouldn't be only looking towards one issue." Staring at Robin from under her mask, she progressed, "Who knows, Chameleon might end up having a bigger role to play than we think."

The passive-aggressive attitude got worse, "Slade is the mastermind behind it all, what's the point in looking further, when we could get as much information if we just find out how to stop Slade first!"

She raised herself up, making a quick face turn to Robin, who also was glaring at her, "Because we've been trying that for months! Guess what, we're empty-handed Robin! WE. HAVE. NOTHING!" She dropped the pages in her hand.

"So why don't you show your progress then?! Oh wait, you won't!" He snarled, "You're too busy keeping secrets from us to save the person hiding under that mask!" Robin pointed to her, "Sometimes I wonder if those secrets involve keeping us away from finding out the truth about Slade's motives!"

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