Titan Rising [S2/EP13]

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Dr Conner's Laboratory, Monday 7:00 am

It was unusual when Y/N got an unexpected call from Eddie early in the morning to turn up at Dr Conner's lab. Not only for the time but for the reason. She could hear multiple people in the background as Eddie briefly explained that she was needed at the lab before having to hang up in a rush. Without any real context, Y/N anxiously agreed, having already been up to get ready she didn't have much problem with getting there. 

The better part of having an organic symbiote attached was the convenience of switching from superhero to high-schooler in a matter of seconds without the need to hide the suit. As she swung into the dead-end of the nearby alleyway, all she had to do was turn around and start walking out while the symbiote removed her superhero suit and hid under her civilian clothes.

By the time she was out, it was Y/N Parker who was walking down the street. Turning into the university campus she was expecting the worst, a crowd, police, heck maybe even the Teen Titans. Yet when she reached the outside entrance she found random workers around the whole building, removing and adding things to the windows and walls. Before she could even enter the door she had to avoid four men bursting out the two doors carrying large glass windows from the lab's skylight. 

Now she was confused. 

Walking in after the workers Y/N found the place to be the most crowded it had ever been. Mainly full of construction workers of all sorts. All the lab work was kept in huge boxes on the middle tables. Martha Conner's seemingly guarding the boxes sternly to make sure none of the workers accidentally take or damage them. 

There were so many people around it was hard to even spot Eddie or Dr Conner, so Y/N wandered to Martha to get answers, shouting to get her attention, "What's going on?" 

Hearing Y/N's voice Martha turns around and quickly grins, "Wonderful, you made it!" She takes a notepad from the left table beside them, "I'm going to need your help in moving some of these boxes to the back office--"

"Sorry, what?" Confusingly raising an eyebrow, Y/N repeats, "I was called here last minute, what's going on?"

"Eddie didn't tell you?" Martha looked away from the notepad, "I told him--" she let out a swift groan before pinching the top of her nose bridge, "Never mind, this morning has been busy enough...". Placing the notepad to the side, she explains through the background chatter, "Since we lost the alien, the University's headboard has given us strict funds to upgrade the laboratory so that it can be safer, to prevent future break-ins. Though to get all the security measures right we've had to revamp the whole department." 

Taking a look up at what was originally the skylight, Y/N frowned at seeing it be replaced with large metal plates, blocking all view of the sky above. Nodding her head back down Y/N summarised, "So you need some help moving things around?"

"We need all the help we can get." Martha picked up the notepad once more, "Of course, you can leave when you have to go to school. There are just a few things I need assistance with." 

Having a look at the chaos around the lab left Y/N to agree. As she and Martha went to work transporting boxes of lab work around to various rooms and storage closets around not just the laboratory, but also in someplace outside the lab as well. Y/N could have never imagined the amount of stuff these scientists have been letting collect dust for decades. 

Around half an hour of moving boxes and science equipment later, Martha introduced a new lab part that Y/N had never seen before. It was almost like a vault, much smaller than any other storage closet, however, the shelves were filled with square-locked metallic doors. Preventing anyone from accessing the supposed materials inside without a PIN password. 

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