Natural Selection [S2/EP19]

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Midtown High, Friday 7:40 am

The same morning after reading about her ominous defeat of the Sinister Six, Y/N went to school an hour early. Getting less sleep than usual wasn't helping all the wounds she gained from fighting the six. Well, more like the wounds she gained from the symbiote fighting the six. Nonetheless, she knew her friends liked hanging around school early, and the paranoia Y/N has for them would not let her wait the usual hour. 

She had to ensure they were safe, not being watched, or anything that could indicate they were in trouble. As much as Y/N has been acting around them lately, they have no idea how much she's been worrying about them. 

And when an exhausted Y/N Parker walked through Midtown's entry gate Gwen and MJ were sitting by the water fountain. Having conversations with each other until Gwen spotted Y/N wandering over, "Y/N?" 

"Where's Hobie?" 

"He's gone to the cafe on the other side of the road." Quickly answering back, Gwen asked, "You're early?"

"Is that a problem?" Y/N passive-aggressively answered without realising, rubbing one tired eye.

"No," Seeing the state Y/N was in, Gwen didn't want to bite back, "Just, by the looks of it, you didn't prepare to be here early."

Taking a glance away left Y/N to make some random excuse, "So I wanted to see you guys a little early?" She defensively replied, "What gives?"

"What gives? Y/N, you're a mess." MJ stepped forward, picking up Y/N's right arm lightly, which Y/N didn't bother to move away, "You wore these clothes three days ago, and they haven't been washed." 

"Well," Y/N crossed her arms tightly, "Robbers trashed the washing machine as much as they trashed the rest of the house, so--"

MJ almost gasped when she interrupted, "--Robbers?!"

"You were robbed?!" Gwen added, perplexed, "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"I wasn't robbed, the house was." Y/N tried to correct it, but it still didn't do any favours, "...I am fine! Stop looking at me like that!" 

Walking closer to place a concerned hand on Y/N's shoulder, MJ tries to reason, "Y/N, you can't keep acting like you're okay, talk to us, or we can't help you."

There was a pause. Y/N didn't answer, her options to respond wouldn't help her case. 'You can't help me', and 'I don't need you', were tempting sentences to reply with, yet she couldn't say them, at least not to their faces. She guesses it was true, Y/N is such a coward.

The long silence seemed too long for Gwen to handle, so she got an idea. "How about, after school, we hang out and talk about it?" Gwen offers, "We'll get you some new clothes, maybe even find some new furniture if you're interested." Seeing Y/N's uncertain reaction, she attempts to hand over other options, "-Or we could just find someplace to eat, and talk about it." 

 "That... Sounds nice." Y/N hesitated to admit it, but then she remembered, "Oh, but I have my internship this afternoon!" She made a slouchy groan, before she hesitantly negotiated, "How about, Sunday?"

Seeing Y/N still willing to talk, MJ nodded with a grin, "Sounds like a plan."

Just in the nick of time came Hobie. He was enjoying a coffee in one hand, his phone in the other, when he suddenly stopped walking while looking at his phone screen, flatly blurting out, "Woah." 

"What?" Y/N's head immediately twisted over to him in a sudden panic, "Are you being followed? Blackmailed?-- Threatened?!" 

For a few seconds, he concernedly looked at the other two girls, "...No." Watching Y/N take a breath of relief, he continued, showing his phone to the group, "Flash and Lucy have broken up."

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