Car Trouble [S2/EP2]

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Empire State University, Friday 4:40 pm 

It was an easy walking distance to the campus, long, but not bothersome. Traffic was relatively still for a Friday, which left Y/N multitasking on her phone as she cruised through the final street turn onto campus grounds.

She was looking through the news, footage, and anything from the latest "Sandman" incident. Mainly to see if there was anything he said, or anyone he was with before she swung in. Things were different this time; if she ever were to find any information, she was going to share it with the team, instead of keeping it secret. No more "finders keepers" mentality.

Although she couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, he only ever mentioned the title "higher-ups," and nothing more. Maybe this was Slade's doing? Flint and the other thieves were all at the lower end of Slade's army, stealing and selling a percentage of their score to him so Slade could have the funding for his tools and weaponry. And in return, Slade would promise to keep their families safe, but the thieves themselves? Not so much.

There were plenty of attempts to get to Slade through these guys, but when or where the trade would be made was always random and unpredictable. And if any one of the guys gets caught working with the police or the Titans, the risk to their families and themselves was sincere.

Taking a turn into the campus gates, Y/N briefly lifted her head to look around the surroundings. Greenery, orderly garden beds, and professional architecture, even when she was getting used to living in a modern minimalist apartment, seeing everything was still mildly intimidating. Even the calming water fountain felt too posh to relax her nerves. Though after a while, she was sure she'd get used to it, sooner or later.

Funny enough, she was hoping to speed through this first introductory session. Mainly because she didn't want to miss Cyborg's biggest (and coolest) handmade car! Something he has been talking about ever since she returned a couple of days ago. He had been working on it for weeks, and she was eager to see its debut after this if only she could make it back to the tower in time.

Familiar voices twisted her head to the right, at an area under one of the perfectly-placed trees. It was Harry, Flash, his cronies, and Lucy along with her team...

Harry was being held up against the tree, Flash dragging him up by his shirt while everyone else was laughing. Y/N's friend was shooting a glare at Flash as he warned, "I would go if I was you, or else I'll--"

"You'll, what?" Flash mocks, "Cry to your daddy?" He drops Harry onto the ground, with a snarky smirk.

Lucy makes a sly comment to top the insult, "Not like his dad even cares about him, anyway."

That was all it took to get Y/N running over, sliding her phone into her pocket and calling out to the group, "HEY!" she agitatedly nudges past some cronies before helping Harry up. With her glare still focused on Flash and Lucy, she demanded an explanation, "What are you guys doing?!"

Some awkward laughter later, Flash retorts, "Just showing the wimp around campus!" he condescendingly leans down, "And it looks like we triggered a teacher's pet."

"Why don't we teach her a lesson or two?" Lucy cracks her knuckles, "One lesson to the face, and one lesson to the shoulder."

Harry holds himself up against the tree, allowing Y/N to stand up as Flash grins to Lucy, "Oh, it's about time!" Flash faces Y/N with his clenched fists, "Been waiting to show this over-confident brat who's in charge!"

Y/N could say the same thing...

"Y/N, let's just get out of here." Harry puts his hand on her left shoulder.

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