Persona [S2/EP12]

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Y/N's family apartment, Friday 8:00 am 

A shiny morning sun rose over Jump City as citizens continued their daily routines. That is, until, every local news agency began printing newspapers that spoke of something purely out of the ordinary, an infrequent occasion found just after the space shuttle landing. Y/N went running morning errands to collect the local paper for her parents when she suddenly grew excited at briefly reading the front page, desperately sprinting back home. 

There was no time to get changed into Spider-girl's suit to swing back home, hearing the rumours from the citizens around her, Y/N stayed on foot so that she could listen to the information passed along by the people. However, her desperation to switch on the TV at home only grew. 

By the time Y/N reached the family apartment she threw the newspapers on the lounge table only to see the TV remaining off. Instantly alerting her priorities she swiftly grabs the remote and switches it on.

Calling out to her parents making breakfast in the kitchen, Y/N holds the TV to get the closest view of the news, "Mum, Dad, I can't believe you don't have it on!" Her Dad picks up the newspaper on the lounge table while Y/N ecstatically continues, "They discover alien life and neither of you is watching?"

Seemingly unphased, Y/N's Mum looks over carefully holding a coffee, chuckling, "Oh, Y/N, aliens are bug-eyed monsters who say," She jokes, "'Take me to your leader!'." With that, she turns back around, "This is a mud stain on the space shuttle."

"Not like it's anything new," Dad noted, still reading the cover while he spoke, "Back in Gotham there were three or four aliens around... And isn't that Teen Titans girl 'Starfire' an alien? Or was that Beast-boy?--" 

"This is different!" Y/N counters, "It's- It's not mud, it's organic mud- living mud!" Her hand points to the sky, "From outer space! Somewhere no one knows!" 

Before any of Y/N's parents could interrupt the news reporter on the TV screen snatched her attention, gluing her eyes to the screen as he announced, "NASA is not releasing any images, but if we zoom in on this image." An image of the landing space shuttle pops on the front screen as the reporter zooms it towards the back of the shuttle, "...Right..." near the back left engine, a black goo could be seen splattered on the side, "--There! Attached to the side of that engine, that black patch has been confirmed to be extraterrestrial life. Primitive, obviously... But it's organic."

The perspective on the TV changes to that of the alien being transported from a heavily secured container, into a familiar laboratory, as a separate news reporter addresses, "Earlier today the life-form had been flown to Empire State University, where it will be studied by the countries top biogeneticist, Dr Curtis Conners."

 "YES!" Y/N finally detached away from the TV screen, arms raised in the air, "I'M IN!" She immediately reaches for her phone to call up Eddie, "...Come on, I hope..." 

Back at the Dr Conners's laboratory Eddie was standing a few metres behind both Martha and Conners are they were watching the moving black goo around a secure glass chamber. Seeing who was calling, Eddie picked up his phone to answer, "Hey! Guessing you've heard already?" 

"Is it there?! Like, actually there?!" Y/N tried to sound calm over the phone, though it was easily overshadowed by her joyfulness. 

"That's right! The ooze has landed!" He chuckled for a few seconds, before reminding Y/N of the current situation at the lab, "The Head Scientists were getting concerned with Dr Conner's not showing any progress with our current project... And with Harry leaving for Europe to" Eddie pauses, "...Get the help he needs... Things have been looking dim." Although he gets optimistic once more, "But we're back in business again!" 

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