Winner Takes All [S2/EP14]

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Teen Titans Tower, Thursday, 5:30 pm

The past two days have flown by with ease. Other than introducing Terra to team training practices, it had been one of those quiet days where only the basic crooks were hanging around. An easy five-minute (or less) fight and the casual criminals were sent away in police cars. 

Terra occasionally joined in when needed, yet sometimes, she just observed. Spider-girl had to admit, she found it a bit strange. Though then again, Terras is still relatively new, and Spidey remembers the first few times she was fighting with the team. She recalls having to watch and look around to figure out how she could work beside them without being an inconvenience. 

Speaking of Terra, after deciding to hang out with the team in the afternoon, Spider-girl finds Terra missing from the group while they are focused on playing a card game. Wandering into the lounge, she hears the team placing their cards on the table while proclaiming their card's power. 

Raven is the first person Spidey hears as she walks in, "-Fire beats wood."

"But water beats fire!" Cyborg countered.

Throwing a card on top of Cyborgs, Beast-boy shouts "Sun dries up water!" 

"-And thunderstorm blocks out sun!" Robin cleverly tops the list of cards. 

Unbothered yet willing to admit defeat, Raven raises her hands with no cards to challenge, "I'm out." 

Scanning through his cards multiple times leaves Beast-boy stumped with nothing to top the thunderstorm card, irritably muttering, "...Me too."

"Where's Terra?" Spider-girl stepped in, glancing at Raven.

Seeing as Spidey was asking her, Raven answers with a slight shrug, "Wanted to go out on superhero duty on her own for a change." Raven was going to continue until Starfire spoke up.

"I wish too..." Starfire glances down at her cards, Spider-girl standing slightly behind Star's seat to see what she was trying to do, "...Go the fish?" 

"Looks like you won a fold, Star." Spidey subtly adds to the conversation.

Starfire's oblivious grin rises when she turns to Spider-girl, "Fold? That is good? I am victorious?" 

With Beast-boy and Raven leaning in beside Starfire, the three sorrowful expressions as they shook their heads left Starfire awkwardly placing her cards down on the table. 

Dragging the card pile towards him left Robin feeling confident as he boasted, "Sorry Star, I guess I'm just... Invincible!" 

Out of nowhere, Cyborgs's hand reaches down onto the card pile, "Ah, ah, ah, how can you be invincible when I've still got one card?" Robin competitively stares at Cyborg as he taunts, "Come on, Robin. You know you want to play me for it!" Cyborg exclaims, "One last round, winner take all!" 

"You're on Cyborg!" Sitting back down on the chair, Robin retorted with a complementary thumbs down, "And you're going down!" 

Finding an extra seat to watch the showdown left Spider-girl to eagerly see who would end up taking the elemental card game crown. On the rare chance that she has to watch a card game play out, it is usually Cyborg and Robin who rival each other the majority of the time; so it's always hard to bet on who might win.

Shuffling through his cards for a few seconds left Robin to strategise as Cyborg carelessly teased the single card he had in his hands. Taking Cyborg's poker face for granted, Robin slams down a powerful card, "Tornado!" he confidently leans back in his seat, "Beat that." 

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