[QNA Answers!]

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The first chapter to S2 is coming along well! 

But while you're all still waiting, why not answer some questions? 

Thank you to all of those who've asked on both Wattpad and Ao3! :D


By Bts_army_bnha: 

"For all of the Titans: What do you think Spider-girl does during her free time when she isn't a superhero?"


Teen Titans Tower, Unspecified Time

The team are sitting on the lounge couch together, taking time to think the question through. 

Beast-boy starts, "Hmm, let's see." he shows a miniature whiteboard with lazy drawings, "Based on when she hangs out here, in her free time she's either..." He points to the first drawing, "A master poker and cards player, or a super-smart scientist doing some crazy experiments!"

He gets nudged by Cyborg, to which Raven monotonously replies, "You do remember she's a high-school student, right." She simply answers to the camera, "Most likely, she studies for assignments or exams in her free time."

"Duh, obviously..." Beast-boy pats his nudged shoulder, "But you never know!" 

Starfire adds, "That is true," She gets lost in thought while speaking, "she could have so many other hobbies we are unaware of. I like to think she goes and enjoys outside nature as much as I do!" 

"I've never really thought about that." Robin recalls, "From conversations I have had when she comes to the tower, I did hear that she isn't a big fan of partying. So, she's probably an introvert." Robin overthinks, "Then again, not all extroverts like partying, maybe she likes to be outgoing in other things... Sports maybe? Or an academic achiever in sciences that works some-... where??" 

He lifts his head and finds all the others blankly staring at him, Cyborg comments, "For someone who never really thinks about it," He raises an eyebrow. "you sure think about it." All the others watch Robin swift his cape over his face with his arms crossed as Cyborg goes on, "I mean, my guess was that she either studies or hangs out with any other friends."

"Oh yeah!" Beast-boy sparks up, "She did admit that she had friends a couple of weeks ago!"

"Wonder if any of them know about her superhero life?" Raven genuinely questions.

The team goes quiet.


By BluBerry_Chonk:

"What is the opinion of the bad guys about Spider-girl? (any of them, it doesn't need to be somebody specific)"

You said any, so I say all! 


Jump City Prison, Unspecified Time

A group of villains recently detained were brought together with their set of restraints to prevent them from attempting to break out. This group included Mumbo Jumbo, Vulture, Doctor Octopus, and Cinderblock.

Plasmus was asleep, so there was no chance of waking him up unless the prison wanted to risk its stability. Slade or Chameleon have yet to be caught, and any other villains previously fought are considered "Unavailable for interview".

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