Aftershock Intervention (Part One) [S2/EP20]

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Slades Underground Lair, Sunday 7:00 am

Molten lava danced through the open chambers. Only held back from its heat and obvious havoc by thick rows of specialised glass sealed by titanium beams and the natural stone that encapsulated the huge cave system Slade's new base of operations happened to be in. This had made the lair strangely cold. That's why Terra liked standing by the molten lava, she never liked the cold.

However, Terra won't have to spend so much time in this place once the plan is finally complete. Awaiting his next command in her newly made supervillain suit she hears his footsteps approach from the lurking dark corners, "You have had doubts in the past, made mistakes." he spine-chillingly started, "But all of that is behind you, isn't it?"

"Yes." She answered, raising her head.

Now standing in front of her, Slade unnervingly spoke once more, "From this day forward, will you serve me and only me?"

"I will." 

Hearing this then made him walk further away with his back turned, "Will you obey my every command?" 

She tried looking for him in the looming shadow while replying, "I will."

Instead, she ended up looking a few metres away where a couple of screens presented all of the people Y/N Parker cared about. Until all the screens eventually deterred to showing only street camera images of Spider-girl, "Will you return my daughter to me?"

When he faced back around Slade presented a sigil disc-like badge in front of Terra, "Will you fight at me and my daughter's side, forever?"

"I will." She cautiously took the sigil and placed it in the middle of her chest plate. 

"And will you destroy Teen Titans?" 

Terra devilishly grins, "...I thought you'd never ask."



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Dr Conners Lab, 7:20 am

She didn't know where to go. That night fighting the team could hardly make Y/N sleep. She felt like she couldn't go home in such a state of bewilderment. So instead Y/N left a message to her mum and dad texting them that she was at a sleepover, the usual excuse. Y/N never paid attention to the fact that her parents never replied to her texts. Too busy trying to convince herself that she was in the right, that what she did was completely justified. 

But lurking in the city overnight wasn't as pleasant of an experience as it used to be. While her mind was persuading her, the gut turning in her stomach left an uneasy feeling. When the sun rose over the horizon, Y/N wanted to go somewhere, literally anywhere. While the scheduled time to talk to her friends was still hours away, she wanted to be in a place that could clear her mind. 

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