Group Therapy [S2/EP18]

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Jump City Ravenscroft Rehabilitation Centre, Wednesday 8:30 am

Almost two months after transferring from Jump Cities Prison to a Rehab Centre, Electro was finally given the clear to be let out on good behaviour. Throughout his time in the facility, Electro learned new skills to become more human-like than just a floating chip with an electric body. 

He wasn't always Electro, six months back he was just any other civilian down the street, Maxwell Dillon. Yet, things change, and accidents happen. Since then, Electro has been attempting to regain his memories and find a cure for his newfound abilities. There's no denying that since Cyborg's car trouble, progress has been made. Not only has he gotten a more human form (thanks to an advanced suit that holds him and the chip together metaphorically and literally), but he also doesn't speak in the third person anymore. 

Leading Electro out of the facility for his first day back out into the public, his assigned doctor looks over her clipboard, "Max, I'm very proud of you.". She starts, "You've made tremendous progress." Placing the clipboard aside to open the last gate, she addresses, "You need to continue therapy, but I just know you'll do great out there."

"Owe it all to you, Dr Kafka." He glances at her, before facing freedom in front of him, "Thanks."

With a nod, Dr Kafka walks back into the facility, leaving Electro on his own. It took a few seconds, just to take it all in. Of course, the first thing he did was wander over to the nearest payphone. Funny enough Electro didn't need to pay for the phone at all, one zap of his power in the coin slot automatically activated it. Leaving him to dial a specific number.

The phone rings for a couple of agonising seconds. Although thankfully his newly attained friend from Jump Cities Prison Yard answers. Immediately after hearing the phone pick up, Electro eagerly speaks up, "I'm out."

"Excellent, Maxwell." Who's the unsuspecting friend on the other line? Dr Octopus. "I'm so pleased."

"You're the only person who wrote to me at Ravenscroft, Dr Octavious."

Adjusting his prison glasses, Dr Octopus responds, "Well, I've taken a special interest in your case." He intently grins, "An interest which should benefit us both."

"Yeah," Electro has to keep a grip on his excitement, clenching his left fist, "Double-team you-know-who, and no other Titan can stop me from getting my cure!"

"Double-team?" Dr Octopus makes an alarming remark, "Oh, surely, we can do better than that."

Being the first to hang up left Dr Octopus to wander around the sunny prison yard. He had to find the right people, the people whom he had been scheming with for weeks to let them know that stage one has been complete. 

As he scanned the area, he spotted Montana exerting himself with a weight in complete isolation. Dr Octopus promptly made his way towards Montana with a code word, "Busy tonight?"

"Higher-up indicated I'm available." Montana grinned, before continuing to lift his weight.

With one member of the plan, Dr Octopus headed towards the next nearby, Vulture. Who didn't need any code word, just a simple nod of the head between each other as Dr Octopus casually walked by had gave Vulture what he needed to know before being taken away by guards for a prison chore. Dr Octopus watched intently, craving to have his robotic arms and legs back again. 

Minutes pass and Vulture guides a creaking breakfast cart down a hallway full of Jump Cities' more complicated supervillains. There, he stopped in front of one of the large metal doors to deliver a sandwich tray through the hatch. The food delivery gained the cellmate's attention, Rhino.

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