Betrayal [S2/EP17]

580 39 41

Private Weapons Facility, Monday 5:10 am


Another security guard hits the ground practically unconscious. Being the last take-down in the building, Slade's dozens of robot cronies all gather to pick up a variety of machine parts in haste. Once the majority of hands are full two of them align explosives around a thin wall at the back of the building. At the push of a detonator, the explosives do their part in handing them the almost perfect escape route. Almost.

The moment the smoke clears, one robot clone standing in the front loses half its face at the hands of a birdarang. That leaves all the others to look further ahead, only to find the Teen Titans all together, glaring right back at them. 

Catching his birdarang, Robin warned, "Tell Slade that the Titans have a message for him." 

Flying on a rock platform above the team allowed Terra to quip, "Eat dirt!"

"Titans, GO!" 

Just like that, everyone swings into action. Although they started out fighting together, the amount of robot cronies forced the team to fight separately to take down the different groups and stop any one of them from getting away with the stolen machine parts. Yet occasionally the team would help out one another by collaborating with each other's abilities anytime one team member seemed overnumbered. 

Terra was great at assisting the team. She would provide Robin with a rock platform so that he could zoom fast towards getaway opponents while having a good shield against any of the amber lasers they shot out from their weapons. Once Robin didn't need the platform, Terra removed it out of the way before hearing Raven shout out behind her, "Terra, catch!" 

Throwing a large rock in her direction, Terra caught it with her powers and swung it around so that when letting go, the huge rock would slam into a group of cronies. Being grateful for the help, Terra smiles at Raven beside her, "Thanks a ton!" 

"More like two tons." Sarcastically replying, Raven couldn't stand still for long when multiple lasers were aimed in her direction.

However, one of the lasers hit Terra's rock platform. This sends her falling to the ground in the middle of multiple robot clones that outnumber her. She tries to get up from the ground in time but pauses when Beast-boy's gorilla form lunges in to take down all the clones that tried getting close. After the coast was clear, Beast-boy picked Terra up bridal-style as he shifted back into his normal form. 

Thankful for Beast-boy covering for her, Terra cherishingly spoke, "You saved me!" 

"Yeah," Beast-boy was trying to act cool, but he couldn't help but get lost in Terra's eyes, "That was cool..."

"Uh, Beast-boy," Terra awkwardly snapped Beast-boy back to reality, "you can put me down now."

Quickly letting Terra stand back up on her own left Beast-boy nervously stammered away, "Right!-- Aha, I was just-- Uhh." A torn robot clone gets thrown in between them, which reminds Beast-boy to go back to fighting. 

Glancing at the culprit who tore the Robot clone apart revealed Spider-girl! Oddly enough, Spidey was becoming quieter, to the point Terra didn't remember her saying anything at all in this whole mission! So the earth bender decided to stay around Spider-girl while she fought a new group of foes. Just to monitor.

Any enemy that got close to Spider-girl didn't seem to last long. Each one would be broken apart, smashed, or thrown in the air for Starfire or Cyborg to take care of. She wasn't usually this aggressive with other types of opponents like supervillains or casual gangs. That was expected, though. Spidey loved any chance to ruin Slade's day by taking out his stupid minions. The fact that they're robots means that she doesn't need to hold back, not for a single moment.

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