Fear itself [S2/EP9]

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Jump City Central Mall, Monday one week later, 4:35 pm 

Going through the usual routine was a calm bliss Y/N was beginning to enjoy the more times she had to face any unpredictable foe day by day. She started to get the hang of balancing schoolwork and kicking criminals and supervillain maniacs to jail. Or maybe that was only because not many had shown up the week before? Nonetheless, at least she was starting to catch up again. And the teachers noticed. 

Recorded in her mind as one of her best achievements was last Thursday. In her science class, she managed to complete her (still crazy unfair amount) of homework and A's both classroom tests! It must have startled Mr. Wilson because his expression when he found no reason to argue with her was hilarious! (She swore she saw him pull a grin while marking her work, which is a rare sight for a stern-jerk of a teacher). Still, he only handed back a simple, "Well done.", with that annoying expression that Y/N still for some reason can't stare back at. 

Spidey-sense is still acting like Mr. Wilson is a criminal but she hasn't seen him rob any banks or cause harm as Spider-girl. Even searching his name on a criminal database (Got access thanks to Gwen temporarily borrowing her dad's police captain login) showed no results of any guy with the last name "Wilson". Don't know what it is her spider senses are detecting, maybe it means he'll be a future bad guy? Nonetheless, it's best to keep an eye on him, with or without her spider senses she can tell there's something off about him. Although compared to the rest of her issues, a strange teacher is the least of her priorities...

After facing the Green Goblin, Spidey had gone to Cyborg to ask how her communicator had just managed to suddenly not work out of nowhere, and then suddenly switch back as if nothing happened. Cyborg investigated but didn't find anything strange on either device (Communicator or phone). Yet throughout the week of busting criminals to jail, there were moments when she would want to contact one or two of her teammates, yet her radio signal wouldn't work again! Cyborg's convinced it's accidental, though all the times it's happened seem too convenient. Preventing her multiple times from getting help from her friends, forcing her to fight on her own. Which admittingly has helped her combat-wise, although it's still annoying!

However, Cyborg knows tech a little better than Spidey does, so maybe she's just overthinking things, as per usual... Yeah, that sounds about right. 

Back to the present time, the internship at Dr. Conners has been going great! Turns out, he'd found some of the theory work Y/N had been writing throughout the past few weeks and has said he's planning on using it for the "Limb Enhancement" project he's been working on in two weeks! Eddie was proud of her, and Harry was too (He was slightly jealous, academic rival and all). Something about following in her brother's footsteps made it all the better feeling.

Today, however, you were let out early, Dr. Conners had to go to a school teachers meeting for his little son, Billy. As a result, there was still a lot of time on the three's hands. Although this afternoon had happened to be the time that Gwen and MJ were going shopping for prom dresses. So texting to meet up, Y/N and Harry decided to come along and find their outfits. Eddie followed to catch up with Gwen and be a sort of "moral support" and help Harry out with picking out suits. 

"Oh, I like the pattern on this one!" Gwen lifted the dress from the clothing rack, presenting it to Y/N and MJ, "Not a fan of the colour, though..." 

MJ softly chuckles and crosses her arms, "You really shouldn't be rushing." 

Gwen raises her brows with a smiling scoff, "Says you, you already picked a dress in the five minutes we've been here."

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