Apprentice (Part one) [S1/EP10]

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Unspecified location, at an unspecified time.

A dreamy night carried the rural land. Violet hues and sharply crusted dirt trailed across undisturbed until the sprinting steps of Robin stomped over.

The lead teen titans member, Robin, was chasing his ultimate rival Slade across this liminal space. Determined and bold enough to never trip, never look back, and never lose sight of the mastermind that had brought nothing but chaos and entropy to his home city. 

They leapt off rocky terrain after another, past small cracks of rock and decay, parkouring through difficult obstacles that became harder and vastly unique. One jump from Slade led to a flat landscape surrounded by columns of rural rock. It appeared like a merely impossible jump. Luckily Robin specialised in doing the impossible. 

In haste, he made a running head start before jumping down. Making a perfect acrobatic landing. Going back to chasing Slade, the villain hid behind the columns, leaving Robin to stare around for Slade to reveal himself, which he did.

"Dangerous behaviour, Robin." Slade prepares himself in a fighting stance, "You must be eager to see me, I'm flattered."

Robin scoffs, "I'm not here to see you, I'm here to stop you!" 

"Hm, but how can you stop me, if you don't even know what I'm planning?" 

"Like this!" 

The fight progresses through the night, the familiarity of a past battle with Slade ever so echoing throughout. Though the difference here was the destructiveness and force of every punch and kick. Robin wasn't holding back, he was taking every nick and dime to defeat the villain. 

Although Slade wasn't holding back either, his speed unnaturally dodging and ducking against strikes. His eyes glowed an amber-orange and red with every sleek punch or kick he could land. 

After being tossed onto the ground, Robin throws two small explosives onto two columns of rock. Sending the pillars crashing down and taking along all the others with them, creating a gust of smokey mist to cover the landscape. 

As he gets up, Robin cautiously maneuvers around the mist, never letting his guard down.

Slade's voice echoes around, "Excellent work, Robin." Footsteps are heard in every direction, "We appear to be evenly matched. And equally ruthless." The mist begins to clear, and Robin could detect that Slade was behind him, "You and I are so very much alike." 

Robin's head twists to him, "I am nothing like you!" an uppercut punch to Slade's face causes the villain to gasp as he collapses to the ground by the force. Immediately, Robin runs over and holds Slade up with a piercing glare, "You're a criminal, a psychopath. All you care about is destruction!" 

"And all you care about, you destroy." Slade tilts his head to the landscape, Robin takes a look around as well.

Everything was all in pieces. The columns of rock, the terrain, and uneven chaos spread all over the land from where they fought. The occasional sounds of smaller bits of rock crumbling after another made Robin's eyes widen at the consequences of his violence. 

"No..." Robin's anger turns back to Slade, snatching away his mask, "Who are you!"

The face underneath the mask... was his own face. With a powerful smirk, Slade's voice bursts out into a sinister laugh that continues to destroy everything around them, including below them. 

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