chapter. 11

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Jason's POV

I go to Bruce's office, change the hands on the grandfather clock, and get inside the secret elevator. It takes me down into the batcave, where everything has a place in the huge expanse. Not wanting to just stand around and wait, I go to the bat computer to see what they've been working on lately. On it are two new files. One for Danny and one labeled Phantom.

I click on Danny's and look at the limited information. His name, age, date of birth, an old school picture of him, and the last time he went to the hospital. I click on the hospital report from when he was 14 and find an article.
Latest News.
The town's crazy inventor's youngest child, Daniel Fenton, has been hospitalized after a freak accident in the lab unsupervised.

This was what Jack Fenton had to say. "It didn't work! The thing runs off twenty million volts of electricity! I don't understand how he survived it." That was when Madeline Fenton began yelling at her husband. Will this small family of four survive this struggle? Find out next week when we get an update on the child.

Then nothing new. There are random blurry pictures of him trying to fight these glowing things that don't really show up on camera. There's nothing much more than that, not even a new article.

I move on to the next one. It's a blog by some kid named Wes Weston. Really original parents. He has post after post of this white haired guy, each picture blurrier than the last, but I recognize Danny from the concert. As I go further and further back the more his appearance changes to just being opposite colors and not a different appearance.

I click off the website and look at what else they have so far. All they have is a 'hero' name, Phantom, and his height, 5'4, and a description that sounds like it came from a bunch of fangirls. Or according to the name of the person describing him, a fanboy. There is literally nothing to go on.

Finally, Bruce and Dick come down and stop to stand behind me. I point to the screen and bluntly ask "who's this?" I get a quick debrief on Danny's small town hero. Everything they know is on the file, everything else came from Danny. They haven't figured out the powers this kid has yet and they haven't figured out it's Danny.

Then Dick asks me "what did you want to talk to us about?" I close out of Phantom's file and go to Danny's before explaining "I can feel him" Dick doesn't take it the right way "little wing, that's a bit weird" I snap at him "not like that dipshit! I can feel exactly where he is right now in the manor! I could feel him wandering around in the halls until I stopped him at my door. I think there's a vicinity where I can feel him and if I go out of it then back in, his heart stops. I haven't figured that out yet" I flop into Bruce's chair and look up at the pictures.

Bruce decides to test it "where is he now?" I close my eyes as I lean back in the chair before admitting "I'm almost out of range now, but he's on the roof. At least I know it's safe to come down here without hurting him" something about him being alone on the roof feels unsettling to me.

I turn around to face Dick and ask "some of the stuff he's said. It sounds like he's suicidal, right?" Dick nods his agreement and Bruce looks worried. Suddenly he suggests something I never thought he would "maybe we should go sit with him" Dick nods again and agrees "yeah, that's a good idea. He seems stable for now but that could change" with a new plan we head back up.

I already know he's not in his room so I walk right in and to his balcony. I'm stopped by a soft voice singing. He's not singing anything in particular, just a sweet melody. He was singing pop up on stage with Ember so I didn't hear how pure his voice was. Bruce and Dick look just as mystified as I am, but I still climb up.

He jumps with a yelp as soon as I look over the edge at him. I scared him! He rolls onto his stomach groaning and mumbling something before sitting up and loudly claiming "you can't scare me like that dude! I have too many people after my ass to still be relying on flight!" I fight off hysterical laughter in order to pull myself up.

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