15. CARE ?

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-"Hey buddy!"
Lucifer hugged Faisal but he was busy glaring at me he didn't even noticed that his friend hugged him. After not getting hugged back Lucifer broke hug and look at him. He stand in front of me folding his hands on his chest. Then only Faisal saw him.


-"Bro I know that your wife is very beautiful but it doesn't mean that you will ignore your friend."
Then they both shared a hug.

-"When you came? And why didn't you informed me?"

-"Why should I inform you?"

-"What do you mean?"

-"You had got married but didn't care to tell your friend about it. You know I got to know about it very late."

-"Look it was all in hurry so I had not gotten time. Now you know na and I can see that you had already met Zoya."



-" I thought to pick her from college to surprise you."

-"But it's very late."

-"Oh come on buddy you're talking as I don't have any right to go out with my sister."

-"Fine but next time inform me before going anywhere." He said looking at me.

-"Zoya you go get fresh then join us."


I get in the room and fresh up. My both legs and left forearm are hurt. There are bruises on my left palm and my head is paining a lot because that man had clutched my hairs so tightly. Thank God that Lucifer came on time otherwise I don't know what they have done to me. I'll ask Zack about that men. They seemed to be dangerous and they had known Faisal also. I think they were some of his rivals. I changed into black joggers and blue full sleeve top then I get downstairs.
I directly went to kitchen to make coffee for us. I put the mugs in tray and put them on table I handed mug to Lucifer he mouthed thank you I gave him a polite smile then I also handed cup to Mr. Grumpy he just looked at me plainly but what he done next shocked me he hold my hand and made me sit beside him on couch.

-"Thank you wifey." He said smiling.
What's this man is he bipolar? When we came he was glaring at me and now smiling. I also smiled at him trying not to look surprised with his behaviour. I know he's acting in front of Lucifer.

-"Wow! Coffee is very nice."

-"Thank you."

-"So Zoya what you're studying?"


-"She's doing BBA along with pre-med."


-"You tell how your work is going?"

Then they started talking about business. I was getting bore so I tried to get up, tried only, I didn't even get up an inch when Faisal held me from waist not letting me get up. I look at him he was talking to Lucifer as if he has done nothing. Then Lucifer's phone rang he went in balcony. Faisal turned to me

-"Where you think you were going?"

-"I was bored and why can't I go?"

-"Because you are with me and you can't go until I approve."

-"And may I know why can't I go? It's not like I'll leave you alone."

I said it and I meant it I'll not leave him I had seen him suffer.

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