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I entered the restaurant after ending the call. I saw Jaan standing with a man infront whose face I can't see. I heard her

-"I said leave my hand."


She turned back and I saw David then I noticed what Jaan said and saw him holding her hand. How dare he?! How can that b*stard touch my Jaan? I'll break his hand. I walked near them and held his collar.

-"You b*stard! How dare you hold her hand?!"

-"Hey! Easy man." I left him. "Look I was just talking to my bro...." I punched him.

-"Don't you dare to complete this line. I warned you to stay away from my wife. But I think you want a good lesson." I lifted my hand to punch him again but Jaan held my hand. I looked at her and she nodded her head negatively looking at me with pleading eyes. I looked at our surrounding and found many people looking at us. I left that b*stard and hold my Jaan closer holding her waist.

-"I'm reminding you again. Stay away from my wife. Otherwise you have to face the unseen side of me. I'll not let you succeed in your dirty plan."

-"We'll see."

-"Come Jaan." We turned and started walking out

-"See you soon Mr. and Mrs. Khan." He shouted from behind.

I hold her close to myself and left that place. I opened the door of passenger seat and she sat inside I sat inside and started driving the car. He again came near her. I can't let him do this again. He is very dangerous and my Jaan is very innocent, she can't understand his dirty tricks. If Jaan wouldn't have been present there then I would have showed him his real place. And he was trying to tell the truth about me in front of her. I can't let him tell anything to her. What if she left me? I can't lose her.
And why the hell she is silent? Why she is not speaking to me? I glanced at her and find her sticking to the seat with tightly closed eyes and her hands are clutching the sides of seat tightly. She is looking scared. But why?
Then I realised that I was driving very fast at speed of 120 and we've came to an unknown road. Sh*t! I scared her. I concentrated on road, decreased the speed and stopped the car. Just as the car stopped I immediately looked at her she was still in that position

-"Jaan! Jaan open your eyes." She slowly opened her eyes and looked around then at me "Are you fine?" She nodded. Her eyes were showing fear and she was biting her lips hard. I got out of car closing the door.

-"F*ck!!" I ran my hand in my hairs and kicked the tyre of car in frustration. I feel her hand on my shoulder, I turned and looked at her

-"Faisal......" I didn't let her speak.

-"I'm sorry Jaan. I always does that. I always becomes careless firstly that day in mall and today..... I should be the one protecting you but I myself put you in danger. I should not have driven this fast."

-"And may I know why you should not have driven this fast?"

-"Because you were with me."

-"Exactly. The reason for your regret is because I was with you in car and what if I weren't?" Silence. "Tell me."


-"You know what Faisal? You never thinks about yourself. You never thinks about your safety. Whenever you're angry you does anything. Today you were driving car so fast, what if an accident would have happened? Faisal. I know that you doesn't care about getting yourself hurt but I care. I know you hates David, I also do. But it doesn't mean that you'll not care about yourself and put yourself in danger."

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