Chapter 6: Enemy Ship Incoming

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It was only a few days later when they were attacked again. This ship wasn't one in Hawke's fleet, but the way they instantly attacked gave him a feeling they knew the captain wanted their ship.

Cecelia was firing shots from behind the wheel, and Joseph was yelling for his crew to fire the cannons. It would be a matter of time until they boarded the ship, and his wounded crew could only take so much.

He gritted his teeth and looked up at Cecelia. She caught his eye and the look inside them made him purse his lips. Then, he got an idea. He bolted for the stairs that led below deck.

Caleb was awake in his cell, ducking whenever a cannon crashed into the ship. Joseph unlocked the door and swung it open. "Get up."

Caleb looked at him, confused, and watched him hesitantly as he unlocked the cuffs holding his ankles together. "What the hell are you doing?"

Joseph chucked the chains away and stood up to unlock the ones on his wrists. "We can't beat another ship. You're going to help our odds."

"Why would I do that?" He tried to yank his hands away, but Joseph pulled him back by the chain and got into his face.

"If this ship goes down, you're stuck down here. Either you help us, or you die with us. That crew won't try to save you if they don't know you're here."

Caleb huffed. "Fine."

Joseph unlocked his cuffs and turned to walk out of the cell. Caleb followed him wordlessly, staying far enough away that he couldn't try anything while Joseph's back was turned.

When they got onto the deck, Cecelia was there, looking pissed. "The fuck are you doing?"

Joseph shoved past her. "He's dispensable. We're going to get onto their boat before they get onto ours."

She looked like she wanted to fight it, but she just huffed in annoyance and went back to yelling at the crew. Joseph took a sword out of a crate beside his cabin and shoved it into Caleb's hands. "Don't try anything, or I will shoot you in the ass."

Caleb raised his hands in surrender. "I won't."

Joseph took the stairs leading to the wheel in two's, Caleb close behind. Without the chains, he moved fast and with strong steps. He seemed taller, too. Maybe it was just because with chains he was less of a threat.

Caleb spun the sword in his hand. "How're we getting onto that ship?"

Joseph gripped the rail to avoid falling when another cannon hit them. "We climb and swing."

Caleb looked up at the sails and nodded, understanding. Caleb put his sword in his mouth and started climbing the nearest pole. Joseph did the same, and soon they were swinging onto the other ship. They landed on opposite sides of the ship, and as soon as their feet hit the deck, all hell broke loose.

Caleb was cutting pirates down like butter, and Joseph was shooting left and right. He was able to see what Caleb was doing, and he was a damn good swordsmen. With his size and strength, those fools didn't stand a chance.

Eventually, they wound up in the center of the deck, surrounded by blood thirsty pirates. To their luck, none of them were smart enough to use their guns and kept trying to stab them. Joseph's gun only had one shot left, and he needed to save it, so he pulled out his sword and continued fighting.

"Anytime you want to make a storm, Caleb!"

He grumbled and kicked a pirates between the legs, then stabbed him through the gut. "Give me a fucking minute, will you?"

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