Chapter 19: Interruptions

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Joseph was getting dressed when Caleb woke up the next day, well into the morning already. The sun was shining on his face through the curtains, and he groaned and turned over. Joseph chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed, running his hand down Caleb's spine. "Morning."

Caleb mumbled into the pillow his face was mushed against. Joseph snorted and jabbed his fingers into his sides, making him jump and turn over with a yelp. "Asshole."

Joseph smiled. "Good morning to you, too."

Caleb stretched his arms above his head and sighed. "This bed is awful."

"I know." Joseph stood back up and picked up his shirt from the chair he'd draped it over the night before. "Would you believe me if I said it was better than most of the beds here?"

"God." Caleb sat up and cracked his neck to release the stiffness in his spine. "Back home my mother weaves palm leaves into hammocks to sleep in."

"Doesn't that start to poke you as it dries out?"

"Not if you replace them every few weeks." Caleb stood from the bed and looked out the window. "The beach is beautiful here."

He could see the white sand and the rolling waves from the window. Seagulls were flying and perched on wooden posts, and he could see pelicans diving into the water for their breakfast. It wasn't unlike his island.

Joseph stood beside him and he buttoned his shirt. "You can go down there, you know. It's open to everyone, but most of the people here are sick of the water from being on it so often."

Caleb glanced at him and chuckled as he struggled with the button on his collar. Joseph huffed in frustration and dropped his hands to his side. "Damn thing."

"Let me." Caleb took the button and tried to push it through the hole, but the single thread holding it to the fabric snapped and the button fell to the ground.

They both looked down, then up and each other and Caleb laughed before he could stop himself. "I'm sorry. That was not my fault."

Joseph sighed and put his hands on his hips. "Uh-huh."

Caleb snickered as he bent down to pick up the button. "You need to take better care of your shirts."

"I'm a pirate. We don't take care of anything."

Caleb shook his head and rolled his eyes at the obvious sarcasm in that statement. He gave Joseph the button and ran his thumb over the spot where it had ripped of. "You should be able to sew it back on. The fabric isn't too damaged."

"Sewing was Elizabeth's thing. She always said she would be the one to mend the clothes, and I'd take care of the house." He sighed and tucked the button into his pocket. "I don't even think I have a needle and thread."

"Well," Caleb said, fixing his collar for him, "I'll track down some thread and fix it for you. Can't have my captain walking around with a missing button, now can I?"

Joseph snorted as he looked up at him. "You don't have to."

Caleb shrugged. He really didn't mind, his mother taught him many life skills. He and his sister could do anything, whether or not it was a 'manly' or 'womanly' task.

Joseph was still looking at him once his collar was smoothed out and Caleb's hands rested on his shoulders. Caleb didn't know what he was supposed to do. Joseph hadn't said anything about their conversation the night before. Was he supposed to mention it? Or did he just wait for Joseph to bring it up?

Joseph cleared his throat. "So..."


"I think-well I was thinking last night." Joseph cleared his throat again. "I think we should take things slow."

Caleb smiling slightly. "Alright."

"I think both of us are attracted to the other, and if we're going to be on the same ship for long periods at a time, we shouldn't ignore it and make it awkward."

Caleb nodded. "Are you sure? I know that Elizabeth is still a bleeding wound, I don't want you to rush into things when you aren't ready."

"I won't. I mean, I still want Hawke's head on a pike, but she'd want me to be happy." He smiled a little. "And weren't you the one you said we're only as happy as we allow ourselves to be?"

"I did." Caleb truly did believe it, too. "So... Am I still allowed to kiss you or is that something for later on?"

Joseph interlaced his fingers behind Caleb's head, resting his arms on his shoulders. "I think that's okay."

Caleb smiled and leaned down, kissing him lightly. He pulled away, only enough to look into his eyes. They were a magnificent brown with the morning light hitting them. He was about to say that out loud when a shot rang out from the door and they both jumped.

"The hell was that?"

Caleb carefully walked to the door, where he spotted a flattened bullet protruding from the thick wood. "Shit."

Another shot sounded, this time at the handle. Caleb backed away from the door as it was kicked open, using his body to shield Joseph.

Joseph looked to his side, where his gun was resting on the nightstand. The gunman, still in the doorway, interrupted his thought. "Ah-ah. Move where I can see you."

Joseph exhaled sharply and raised his hands, but Caleb just stared at the door. He couldn't see the gunman, thanks to the very dark hallway, but he could see the end of the pistol.

Joseph stepped to the side, but Caleb blocked him again. The gunman huffed in frustration and stepped forward. He was a scrawny thing, all bones and no meat. He wore a red feather in his hair. One of Hawke's crew.

"Really? Hawke sent you to kill the captain?"

The man's hand tightened on his gun. "Move."

"No." Caleb took a step forward, but he didn't shoot. "You can't kill me. Hawke wants me-"

"Shut up!"

Caleb stopped walking, looking pointedly at him. "Don't interrupt me, it's rude."

The man clamped his mouth shut and Caleb continued, "Hawke wants me alive."

The man raised his gun as Caleb took another step forward to keep it trained on his chest. By the time he was at the door, the gun was pressed against his chest. The metal was still warm from the previous shots.

"Do it." Caleb was looking down his nose, staring intensely at him. He swallowed. "Come on. Do it."

The man opened his mouth as Caleb clasped his hand around the gun. "I-"

"Let go of the gun." Caleb looked at him as a father would a misbehaving child. "You know you aren't winning here."

The man hesitated for a moment, then released the gun into Caleb's hand and looked at his shoes. Caleb took him by his shirt and pulled him into the room, kicking the door shut. Joseph was watching him with a raised brow as he shoved the man into the chair.

"Now. You're going to tell us everything we need to know." Caleb braced one hand on the arm of the chair, using the other to angle the mans gun at his chin. "Alright?"

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