Chapter 22: Bloody Beach (pt.2)

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Joseph returned to his room after dark, thoroughly exhausted from a day of dealing with Cecelia and her mother. At first they'd thought he was joking when he said a body of one of Hawkes crew was in his room. Then they'd both given him looks of simultaneous concern and annoyance at the situation. Justeene said she could scrounge up enough men for the ships in a week, hopefully, and they'd be off to the lagoon just in time to stop Hawke before he could attack.

Joseph noticed the bed was moved, probably to cover a bloodstain, and his window was open. He trudged over to close it, but stopped when he saw someone in the water at the beach. He squinted in the moonlight and could just make out long hair and a large frame. It had to be Caleb. He'd probably buried the body on the beach and decided to go for a swim.

Joseph smiled a little and leaned against the window frame. Caleb's clothes were propped up on some sort of stick, which suggested he was naked. He was beginning to dress himself. Maybe Joseph would go join him. A nighttime swim with Caleb didn't sound too bad.

He was reaching to close the window when he noticed something in the water. It was a large black shadow, swimming toward Caleb. Something in his gut twisted with the feeling there was something wrong.

"That is too big to be a fish..." Joseph pulled his spyglass from his pocket and raised it.

Long appendages. Arms and legs. "Shit."

He slammed his spyglass shut as his mind raced. He was transfixed to his spot, watching as the person swimming towards Caleb pulled him under. Caleb rose from the water seconds later, grabbing the stick holding his shawl and swinging. He could make out the glint of something, something very sharp, in the moonlight as it was plunged into Caleb's stomach.


Joseph needed to get down there. Caleb could handle himself but he'd been stabbed for gods sake.

He threw his door open and took the stairs in threes, his knees aching in protest as he did so. He caught Milo by the arm in the lobby, forcing him away from the girl by his side. "Find Cecelia. Send her to the beach, Caleb is being attacked."

The cook got serious instantly and nodded. "She's still at the tavern. I'll get her."

"Go, now!" Milo bolted, leaving the girl he was with looking offended and confused. Joseph ignored her as he raced out of the building and swung around the side. He could see the beach, but Caleb was farther down than his sight.

His boots dug into the sand and his legs burned, but he sprinted as fast as he could toward where he'd seen Caleb. He was so far down, Joseph had to pray he would make it there fast enough to help him. Save him.

When he finally cleared the foliage blocking the section of sand he'd seen Caleb, his heart skipped a beat. Caleb was on his hands and knees. His arms were shaking and blood was staining the sand beneath him.

Joseph panted and looked past him, where a man was lying next to a bloody shovel with a smashed in face. God, he'd killed him with a shovel.

Caleb coughed and Joseph swore as blood splattered out of his mouth. He ran the last few meters toward him, barely reaching out in time to catch him when his arms gave out. "Caleb."

He coughed again and red stained a patch of white sand. "Shit, Caleb-"

He looked at Joseph, his blue eyes clouded. "The knife."

"What?" Joseph looked down at his chest. He'd been stabbed multiple times. Too many times.

Caleb gripped Joseph's arm and barely was able to choke out the words. "The knife. Poisoned." He took breaths that Joseph heard rattle with blood. "Water didn't help."

"Fuck." Joseph didn't know what to do. He was trying to put pressure on the worsts wound to his chest, but blood was soaking his fingers and Caleb was becoming more and more heavy. "Fuck."

Caleb groaned and sagged against him, and Joseph grunted as he lowered him to his back. "Stay with me, Caleb, come on."

Joseph was desperately trying to stop the bleeding, but he couldn't. There were too many cuts. "Come on."

He heard shouting, but he couldn't look away. Caleb was bleeding out. "Joseph!"

Cecelia. She was dropping to her knees on Caleb's other side, shoving her gun back into her belt. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't fucking know." Joseph felt like he couldn't breathe, but he forced himself. He had to stay calm. "The water isn't helping, he isn't healing."

Suddenly Justeene was moving Cecelia to the side and lying her coat on Caleb's chest. "Wrap it as tightly as you can. It'll slow the blood flow. Hurry."

Joseph helped her lift Caleb with shaky hands and tie the coat as tightly as they could get it around him. "What do we do? Fuck, I don't know what to do."

Justeene pressed her fingers to Caleb's neck. "His pulse is weak. He doesn't have much time left."

Joseph felt his eyes stinging but he blinked the tears back. "What do we do?"

"His mother." Justeene looked at Cecelia. "He needs to get to his mother."

Cecelia shook her head. "Her island is so far-"

"It's not." Justeene removed her hand from his neck. "It's never in the same place. It appears to those who need it. Caleb needs it. He needs her, you just need to sail towards the horizon."

"Our boat is in the port, that's all the way across the island." Joseph was gripping the coat over Caleb's chest so hard he felt his nails crack. "He won't make it."

Justeene gripped Joseph's chin and forced him to look up. Her eyes were calm and firm. "I have a ship faster than the wind. It will take you past our island and to his mother."

Joseph forced himself to nod. "Where is it?"

"Cecelia, fetch the Raptor." Cecelia nodded and sprinted back the way she came. "Now, he will need time to heal. You may not make it to the Lagoon."

"No, I have to-"

"Joseph." She out her finger over his lips. "You care for him. You mustn't lose him like you lost her. Save him before you think about killing Hawke."

Joseph swallowed the lump in his throat. "I've waited a decade for this."

"I know. We all have our woes against the captain." Justeene's face was tight. "But Caleb needs you. More than we do. We'll manage if you cannot make it. I will save Hawke for you. You have my word."

Joseph swallowed again and nodded. She was right. Caleb was dying and it was because he'd failed to protect him. He had to help him. "Okay. Okay. How do I find the Island?"

"Just sail at the horizon. The witch will be waiting for you." Justeene's eyes moved past him. "There's Cecelia with the Raptor. It's a small ship, it will only fit the three of you. I'll make sure the Tide's Voyage is at the Lagoon should you make it in time."

Joseph nodded quickly and Justeene helped him haul Caleb up and into the water, where Cecelia was waiting on a small boat with a sharp build. He laid Caleb in the boat and sat beside him, not able to let go.

Justeene looked at Cecelia. "Sail fast, daughter. I will see you soon."

Cecelia nodded and Justeene let go of the edge of the boat. Instantly, the sail caught wind and lurched them away from the beach. Caleb was unconscious now, and Joseph had to hold his head up for him to breathe properly.

As they sailed toward the horizon, Joseph prayed to whatever god was looking out for them that Caleb would be okay.

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