Chapter 24: Breakfast in Bed

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Caleb watched as his mother left to go catch him some food. He wanted to tell her to rest, since she'd been up all night, but he knew she wouldn't sleep until he was well fed and feeling better. So he just laid on his cot and tried to ignore the dull throbbing all over his body.

His mother had treated his wounds with her homemade salve to keep them clean and to promote clotting over them, as well as using sigils in her own blood to help him heal quicker. He didn't know what kind of poison was on that blade, but it had nearly killed him. His mother thought it was something that attacked motor function, which was why he had a hard time fighting back.

Caleb couldn't remember much about the fight or how he'd wound up on his mother island, but he could vaguely recall Joseph holding him as they rocked in a boat. He didn't know where Joseph was, but he was worried. He knew he was nowhere near as important to him as his wife, but nearly losing anther person he cared about wouldn't be easy. Caleb just hoped he wasn't blaming himself.

Caleb was surprised to hear someone walking up the wooden stairs to the hut. It was too soon for his mother to be back, since she always took a while to catch the perfect fish. He turned his head to the side enough to see who was walking through the beads covering the entrance. It was Joseph.

For a moment, he just stood in the doorway, his eyes slowly looking over every inch of Caleb. His white shirt was stained with blood, probably from Caleb, and the bags under his eyes were so dark Caleb knew he must not have slept.

"You look like shit."

Joseph stared, then shook his head and laughed. "Thanks."

Caleb smiled as he walked over and sat beside the cot with his hands in his lap. "You didn't sleep, did you?"

He shook his head. "I was worried. Are you okay?"

"I will be. Right now my mother has some numbing stuff on me so I don't feel much."

Joseph's eyes moved to his stomach, where a green paste was lathered over the wounds. "She didn't sew you up?"

"She isn't a doctor." He shrugged as best he could. "She's a witch. She does magical healing, mostly."

"Like what you did for my shark bite?"


Joseph sighed and looked around. "So. You live here?"

"When I was a kid, yeah. Once I was older my mother helped me build my own hut on another part of the island so I could have my own space. My sister has one, too."

"That's nice."

Caleb nodded. They both fell silent, neither knowing what to say. Finally, Caleb pursed his lips and asked, "Are you alright?"

Joseph didn't look at his eyes, he just stared down at his hands. "I'm fine."

Caleb reached up and put his hand on Joseph's cheek gently, brushing his thumb over his skin. "Joseph."

He slowly looked up, taking a shaky breath. "I thought I was going to lose you too."

Caleb frowned. "I know. But I'm okay. I'm not dead, yet."

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