Chapter 28: Rest

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Caleb had his foot over the side of the hammock so he could rock it gently back and forth as he stroked Joseph's spine. He'd been asleep for a while, but he woke to the beads hanging over his hut swaying in the wind. He wasn't used to the noise anymore, which made him slightly sad and homesick, but Joseph was out cold nonetheless.

He had his cheek plastered against Caleb's chest and his arms were tucked against his sides, and Caleb had a clear view of his bare behind. He had to admit, it was a good view.

Joseph murmured something in his sleep that Caleb didn't catch, then nestled closer. Caleb smiled and continued to run his hand up and down his back. His skin was smooth, despite his various scars, and he smelled like the ocean.

Caleb could've stayed there in the hammock forever if it weren't for the faint noise of approaching footsteps in the sand. He pulled an old blanket off the side of the hammock and threw it over them so Joseph wasn't exposed just in time for his mother to start walking up the steps to his hut.

She was holding a bowl with rice and fish, and two glasses of water. She was silent as she pulled a small wooden table beside the hammock and set the food onto it. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired. But better. Joseph helped me get washed up."

She looked pointedly at the blanket covering their obvious lack of clothing. "He did more than that."

Caleb just huffed a laugh and brushed a stray lock of hair out of Josephs face. "He's exhausted."

"He stayed up all night, you know. And he hasn't eaten, either." His mother walked over to their pile of clothes and started folding them neatly. "I brought some fish. He eats fish, right?"


"Good." She sat Caleb's pants on the dresser and picked up Josephs shirt. "How are your cuts?"

"Closed, mostly. I'll be sore for a few days though."

"I'll make some tea later." Once she was done folding, she walked back over and put her hand onto Caleb's forehead. "No fever. That's good."

Caleb sighed softly as Joseph shifted in his sleep again, his arm moving so he could grab onto Caleb's bicep. His mother looked down and smiled. "He's a good one. Don't loose him."

"I don't plan on it."

She patted his shoulder and walked towards the stairs. "Don't fuck too much or you might open up your wounds again."

He rolled his eyes as she walked away. She was awful, but he knew she was only teasing. He honestly didn't think he could go another round if he wanted to.

Joseph stayed asleep for a while longer, but Caleb worried his food was getting too cold so he decided to wake him up to eat.

Caleb brushed his palm over Josephs cheek. "I have food, captain."

Joseph stirred but kept his eyes closed and Caleb chuckled. "It's rice and fish. If you're good and wake up now I might let you fuck me again for your troubles."

Joseph smacked his arm, now mostly awake. "No more fucking until you heal."

Caleb laughed and continued to draw circles on his back. "Do you want to eat before it gets cold?"

He slowly sat up, but he moved just the wrong way to send him tumbling out of the hammock and onto the floor. He swore as he thudded into the ground, and Caleb scrambled to sit up. With the full ache in his stomach, he couldn't get up fast enough.

He could, however, see Joseph lying on the ground with an annoyed look on his face. He could also see his gloriously naked body, and a particular piece of it caught his eyes for a second too long.

Joseph kicked Caleb's but through the hammock. "If you weren't hurt I'd knock you out of that so fucking fast."

Caleb snorted and offered Joseph a hand. He stood and stretched, his tattoos stretching with his torso as he held his arms above his head. "You said there was food?"

Caleb pointed lazily to the table. "There."

Joseph sat in front of the table and began to eat, and Caleb turned to watch the ocean. He'd missed the beach here. It was always so peaceful and he could see dolphins in the distance. Depending on where the island was, there would be different kinds of sea life in the shallows and sometimes reefs full of colorful corals and fancy fish. Maybe he could go for a swim later and see what this new location brought to their shores.

Once Joseph was done eating, he set the bowl back onto the table and climbed into the hammock again. Caleb took his face in his hands and pulled him down to kiss him.

Joseph sighed slightly against his lips and relaxed his body into Caleb's, and they lay there slowly kissing one another. Caleb could taste the spices on the fish and the rice on his lips, which made him all the more inclined to never stop kissing him.

Joseph pulled away slightly and rested his forehead in Caleb's. "Sorry, but I need to breathe properly."

Caleb wrapped his arms around Joseph's back and pecked him on the cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

"I'm okay, just tired," Caleb said, smiling slightly. "How are you though."

"Exhausted." He laughed a little when he said it. "These past few weeks have been exhausting."

"Yeah, I know," Caleb said, huffing a laugh as he did so. "But right now we can rest all we want. We're safe here."

Joseph nodded, then sighed. "We need to leave by tomorrow night to make it to the lagoon before Hawke attacks."

"What's the plan on that? You talked to Justeene and Cecelia but I never got a summary on the plan."

Joseph explained their plans to intercept Hawke at the cove and take him on there, and how the Tide would be responsible for taking down the Red Wave. He nodded once Joseph was done explaining. "Okay. We can take the boat we came here in and set sail tomorrow evening."

Joseph pursed just lips and Caleb could tell he was hesitant to let him come. "You're still hurt, Caleb. Are you sure you can keep up with battle and use your powers at the same time? I worry that it'll be too much."

Caleb took Joseph's hand and held it against his chest. "I'll be fine. I'm nearly healed and if I spend more time in the water and my mother gives me more healing tea, I'll be good as new."

He still looked skeptical, but he nodded. "Okay. Just tell me if you feel like you can't come, okay? Cecelia and I can go without you. We'll figure it out."

Caleb didn't want them to go without him, and he was determined to be back at one hundred percent by tomorrow evening. He pulled Joseph closer and shut his eyes. "I will. But for now, let's sleep."

Joseph hummed and rested his head on Caleb shoulder. Caleb continued to rock them slowly in the hammock until both of them eventually fell back asleep.

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