Chapter 7: Elizabeth

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Caleb leaned forward and Joseph pressed the cigar to his lips. He inhaled deeply, nearly grimacing at the strong taste of the smoke. Joseph drew the cigar back and took a puff of his own.

Caleb exhaled at the same time as him, his eyes burning slightly from the smoke. "Damn that's strong."

Joseph chuckled and let the cigar rest at his waist. "Not a smoker, I take it."

"Nah, man." He cleared his throat and looked up at him. "Only done it a few times. I keep trying it thinking maybe I'll like it but I never do."

"I don't think anyone likes it, they just do it and keep doing it." He huffed a laugh and took another puff.

Fair enough, he supposed. He looked down at his chains and tugged his wrists slightly. "Are these really necessary?"

Joseph crouched about a foot in front of him and shrugged. "The only reason you fought for us is because you needed to in order to survive. There's nothing about it that proves loyalty."

"Do all your men, sorry, people have to prove themselves to you?"

Joseph nodded. "Not just to me, though."

Caleb looked up at him. He was so close he could make out even the faintest of scars on his bar chest. "What to you mean?"

"Before someone officially joins my crew, they must gain the trust of everyone on this ship." He puffed his cigar and exhaled smoke as he said, "It takes a whole ship of trust for things to work."

"I thought pirates," he said, his eyes moving to the tattooed 'P' on the side of Joseph's neck, "we're untrustworthy as a whole."

"Most of us are." He cleared his throat and looked at the mostly-smoked cigar. "Not my crew. Most of them were pirates already when I found them, and the ones still here are the ones who followed my rules and earned our trust. The ones that didn't... We'll, they returned to the sea."

Caleb didn't give more of a response then a short hum of acknowledgment. Joseph wasn't like other pirates, he was starting to realize.

Joseph stood and walked toward his desk. "In any case, you haven't earned our trust."

Caleb watched him snuff the cigar out in a glass ashtray, the muscles in his back flexing as his did so. He was staring at the tattoo of a compass on his upper back as he said, "You haven't given me a chance."

Joseph let out a short laugh and glanced back at him. "You're smart enough to know how to trick someone. I'm not that stupid, Caleb."

"Thanks for the complement," he said, feigning hurt. "Nice to know you have so much confidence in me."

He laughed at that, his voice slightly rough thanks to the smoke. He had such a nice laugh.

Caleb's eyes followed him as he walked back over, pulling his chair along with him. He had a tattoo of a mermaid poking up from his waistband on his hip, Caleb noticed, but when he tried to look closer Joseph tilted his head up with his fingers. "My eyes are up here."

Caleb was too stunned to say anything, but he recovered quickly and smiled. "What, you expect my eyes not to wander when you're half dressed?"

Joseph snorted, his fingers still on Caleb's chin. "Says you. All you have on your upper body is a glorified sheet."

He had a fair point. "At least I have pants on."

Joseph raised his eye brow and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. "Mine are soaking wet thanks to you."

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