Chapter 23: The Sea Witch

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Caleb's mother ^^

They sailed so far that Joseph could no longer see Justeene's island in the dark. He didn't know how far they really were, but the wind was harsh and cold and Caleb was losing color by the minute.

Joseph pressed his hand against Caleb's cheek, hating how cold he was. He didn't even know how he was still alive with how much blood he'd already lost. He swallowed and brushed his thumb over Caleb's skin, praying they'd find his mothers island soon.

He looked toward the horizon, but he didn't see anything. He was about to ask Cecelia if she could spot something when a huge wave rocked the tiny boat. Joseph swore and gripped onto Caleb so he wouldn't fly from the boat as another wave carried them high into the air.

Cecelia stumbled and fell into Joseph, who wrapped his arm around her to keep her safe. "Shit, these waves are coming from nowhere!"

Joseph grunted when another crashed into them, and closed his eyes when he felt the impact of something hard against the bottom of the boat. When he opened them. He realized they were on a beach. The waves had receded, leaving them on the damp sand.

"What the fuck..."

Cecelia groaned and sat up. "Is this the island?"

"I don't know." Joseph looked behind him as he heard sand moving under someone's feet. He squinted and made out the form of a young looking woman running toward them. "Do you see her too?"

"Yes." Cecelia stood, hand going for her gun.

The woman stopped at the edge of the boat, her eyes going straight for Caleb. "Caleb."

Joseph kept his grip on the coat as the woman climbed into the boat and checked his pulse. "You're..."

"His mother." She moved her hair away from her ear and listened next to his nose. "We need to get him to my hut."

Cecelia glanced at Joseph. "We can carry him."

The woman nodded and climbed back out of the boat, then helped get his feet over the side. Cecelia and Joseph put his arms over their shoulders and practically dragged him down the beach until they made it to a path of smooth stones leading into a section of thick tropical bushes.

Joseph gritted his teeth at Caleb's weight as they pulled him up steps made of old wooden logs and into an open living area with weaved palm leaves as a roof.

The woman pointed to a cot with a homemade wooden frame and palm leaves as a mattress. "Lay him there and take off the coat."

Joseph and Cecelia laid him down as gently as they could, and Joseph started to take the coat off. Cecelia held him in a sitting position so he could untie the arms of the coat, then laid him back down as Joseph set it on the ground.

Joseph could barely stand to look at his blood-soaked skin. His wounds were angry red and swollen, but no longer bleeding freely.

Cecelia moved back as the woman knelt beside Caleb with an arm full of ingredients and a wooden bowl. The woman set her things down and said, "Out, both of you. I must work."

Joseph wanted to stay, but Cecelia grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the hut and back down the stone path. They stopped once they hit the beach and Cecelia looked at him with worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

Joseph couldn't even get himself to speak, so he just shook his head. Cecelia pursed her lips, then looked towards their little ship at the other end of the beach. "I need to tie it down before the tide comes in. I'll be right back, okay?"

He nodded and she jogged toward the boat. Joseph kept his back turned from the tiny hut so he didn't have to see what was happening. He wanted to know what the woman was doing to him, but he was scared to see anything that was putting him into more pain.

He sank down into a large rock, his legs and arms feeling incredibly heavy as his adrenaline wore off. When had been gotten so tired?

The woman still wasn't done when Cecelia returned after anchoring the boat to the beach. She sat beside him wordlessly and slipped her hand into his for silent comfort.

Joseph swallowed. She probably already knew there was more to his relationship with Caleb than a captain and his crew member. She was too smart not to. Thankfully she saved him the scolding and kept quiet.

It was an hour until Cecelia moved so she was lying on her back on the rock and closed her eyes to rest. Joseph covered her with his coat and propped her head up on his hat sometimes after that.

All he could do for the entire night was stare at the ocean. The tide came in and was nearly touching his boots, which were covered in sand and bits of blood. His shirt was stained, and he was sure it would be even if he washed it. He'd probably need a new one.

His eyes were burning with exhaustion but he couldn't sleep. He just sat with his elbows on his knees and watched the ocean. The crashing if waves disguised any sounds from the but, which he still hadn't looked at.

Joseph was still awake when he heard footsteps in the sand and the woman put her hand on his shoulder. "What is your name?"

Joseph's tongue was like sandpaper, but he still answered. "Joseph. This is Cecelia Coin. You healed her mother a while back."

"I remember. The woman pirate." The woman removed her hand from his shoulder. "What happened to my son?"

"He was on the beach. He'd..." he cleared his throat. "We'd been attacked that morning and he killed someone. His brother found him after he buried the body and stabbed him. Caleb thought the knife had been poisoned."

"It was." She looked back at the hut. "His healing abilities are weakened with certain poisons. This one was potent enough to knock him out if he'd gotten more into his system."

Joseph took a shaky breath, unable to look at her. "Is he okay?"

She was quiet for a moment. "He will be. He's disoriented and in pain, but he awoke this morning."

Joseph's hands tightened around each other and he swallowed. He was already awake. What would he say? It was Joseph's fault and he didn't know what he could say?

The woman placed her hand gently on Joseph's cheek and turned it so he would look at her. God, she looked just like home. The eyes, the nose, even the lips were exactly the same. And their hair was the same auburn hue of brown, hers was just longer and more wavy.

"You haven't slept."

He shook his head slightly.

She frowned a little. "The first thing he asked when he woke was if you were alright. You must be important to him."

"We're friends." Joseph felt a jab in his chest. He didn't know what else to say.

The woman looked at him knowingly. "I think it is more than that."

She let go of his face and turned towards the ocean. "I need to catch some food for him. Go to see him, if you'd like. I know he wants to see you."

She walked towards the water, not concerned that her long beige colored skirt or the gold cuffs she wore on her ankles and wrists became soaked.

Joseph glanced at Cecelia, who was still fast asleep with her arm over her eyes to block the light. She wouldn't be waking anytime soon.

He took a shaky deep breath and stood up, wiping his hands on his pants as he walked up the steps. He'd hoped he'd figure out something to say by the time he reached the hut but he didn't.

Joseph bit down his anxiety and stepped past the beaded curtain that blocked the entrance and looked directly at the little cot Caleb was lying on.

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