Chapter 36: Fate Worse Than Death

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Lowkey hate this chapter fml 👍


Joseph was breathing so hard he felt like he was going to pass out. He couldn't see Caleb in the water, the serpent must've dragged him down. What did he need to do?

He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. He was frozen.

He heard Hawke laugh from behind him. "Come on, Joseph. Go save your lover."

Joseph turned his head to look at him, gripping the railing.

"Oh, don't give me that look. I see the way you looked at him." He clicked his tongue. "Honestly, I expected better. You used to be so ruthless when it came to killing me. You've gone soft, captain."

Joseph clenched his jaw. He needed to get Caleb out of that water. That was all he could think about. He didn't care about missing his chance to kill Hawke. He would not lose Caleb to this bastard too.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from jumping over the edge. "No."

Coral was holding him back. She looked at Damara, whose face and hands were soaked in blood. "Damara, get my brother!"

Coral yanked his head to the side and slapped him square on the cheek. "Stay focused, bitch! The other bitch needs you to kick his ass right now!"

Joseph swallowed and turned to Hawke, who was already watching him. "Tell me when he's out of the water."

Hawke grinned and drew his sword. "Give it your best shot, pretty boy."

Joseph didn't waste time responding. Instead, he charged forward, making it seem like he was going for his head. At the last second, right as Hawke raised his arms he ducked and swiped at his stomach.

Hawke was able to move just right so his sword cut through his side and not through his stomach, and Joseph wiped the splattered blood off his face.

Hawke sneered at him and pressed his hand to the wound. "I didn't expect you to fight dirty."

"It's not fighting dirty if your opponents hands have slaughtered hundreds of innocents."

Hawke rolled his eyes. "So dramatic."

They swung at each other, swords clashing together. Last time they fought, Joseph barely held his own. He'd wound up near dead. This time, Joseph kept up easily.

Hawke tried to stab him in the chest, but he deflected and spun Hawkes sword in his hands, nearly making him drop it. "You've gotten better."

Joseph shoved him away. "You haven't."

Hawke charged again, seemingly unbothered by his comment.

Joseph could see Coral watching the ocean, glancing back at the two men fighting every few seconds. Try as he might, his focus was split between her and Hawke. He needed to know Caleb was okay.

Not only because he cared about him, but because he needed his powers to end this.

Could he even hold his breath this long? It had been much longer than Joseph knew he could stay under water.

His distraction cost him a few times, resulting in cuts and bruises all over his body. Hawke got the same treatment in return, though.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Coral turned towards him and shouted, "He's in the boat! He looks okay!"

"Good." Joseph shoved Hawke back, their swords pressed against each other, and continued, "Tell him to be ready for my signal!"

Coral nodded and hopped over the railing. He heard her land in the water and start swimming.

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