Chapter 15: Breakfast

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The next morning, Caleb woke up before Joseph. They'd fallen asleep within minutes of crawling under the covers, and sometime in the night Caleb wound up pulled Joseph against his chest and almost completely enveloping him in his arms. He was still fast asleep, his back pressed against Caleb's back and his head using Caleb's arm as a pillow.

Caleb's head was pounding, probably because of how much he drank the night before, and his legs and hips were sore beyond belief. When he remembered why he was sore, he felt his face heat up. Both of them were still completely nude, and Joseph's behind was right up against Caleb's hips.

"You're poking me in the ass." Joseph's voice was shrouded in sleep, but he was very much awake.

Caleb cleared his throat. "Sorry..."

Joseph didn't make any move to get up, and Caleb didn't want to shift the wrong way so he didn't dare move.

After a few moments, Joseph rubbed his temple and rolled onto his back. "My head is killing me."

"Drink too much?"

Joseph groaned, and Caleb knew the answer to his question.

He sat up, his lower body covered in the blanket, and nodded towards Joseph's head. "May I?"

Joseph looked skeptical, but he nodded and Caleb used his nails, which were long and pointed, to prick his fingertip open. He squeezed his finger until blood formed, then pressed it to Joseph's temple and drew a sigil in his own blood. Once he was done, he pulled his hand away, whispered in the same language he had before, and the sigil faded into Joseph's skin without a trace.

He stared up at the ceiling, and after a few moments, he looked at Caleb with wide eyes. "Did you just magically heal my hangover?"

Caleb nodded slowly. He didn't know if Joseph was appreciative or offended by his action. He was afraid he'd overstepped until Joseph smiled slightly and sighed. "Thanks."

Caleb offered a small nod on response. They stayed quiet for a few minutes, neither of them speaking or moving. Caleb rarely got drunk enough to sleep with someone unless they were a complete stranger in a tavern, and he wasn't sure how the morning after was supposed to go.

Was he supposed to get dressed and sneak out before any of the crew could see him? How was he supposed to act around his captain now that he'd fucked him?

Joseph glanced at him. "You must really like staring at me."

Caleb hadn't realized it, but he'd been staring at Joseph's face as his thoughts raced. He cleared his throat and looked away, feeling his face heat up against his will. "Sorry. I was just thinking."

Joseph sat up slowly and looked at him, but Caleb couldn't tell what his face was saying. He was too busy looking at his hands to avoid staring unintentionally again. God, why was he so nervous? He never got nervous.

Joseph used his fingers to turn Caleb's head until they made eye contact. "You're bright red right now."

"I'm aware." Caleb didn't know how else to respond to that statement.

Joseph seemed to find it amusing. "I must admit, I
enjoy seeding your flustered. Is it because of me?"

Caleb raised his eyebrow, part of his sarcastic nature finally returning to him. He knew Joseph already knew the answer to that question. "The image of you riding me is still so fresh in my memory."

Joseph's lips twitched, and his hand stayed on Caleb's chin. His skin was warm against his face. "I seem to remember you begging me to keep going."

"I don't beg." Caleb fought the rising heat in his cheeks as best he could, but he saw the spark of lust in his captains eyes. He was enjoying teasing him.

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