Chapter 8: The Drunken Lagoon

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It was only a few days since the last attack on the Tide when Joseph spotted land through his spy glass. He could just make out the tiny island with a run-down old port known as the Drunken Lagoon. The Tide's Voyage had docked there many times, for both repairs and supplies. It was a relatively safe spot for pirates to dock, and the old pirates that ran everything set rules that you either obeyed or died. One of those rules was no drawing weapons on each other unless the other man does so first, so they should be safe to repair the ship.

Cecelia glanced at him from where she was supervising the helmsmen. "How long is the demigod going to stay in your cabin?"

"Just until we off load the pirates who didn't join us." He could feel her staring, but he ignored it.

She'd been particularly grouchy the past few days, ever since Joseph told her Caleb would be staying in his personal cabin. It was mostly so the man wouldn't complain, and partly because Joseph felt like he owed him some peace away from pirates who were trying to kill him.

Thankfully, she hadn't questioned him. She trusted him enough to let him make those decisions for himself, whether she liked them or not. He'd have to buy her a bottle of good rum to make up for putting up with her captain.

By the time they reached the entrance of the cove, Joseph's crew was itching to get off the ship. They loved the sea, but after weeks on nothing but open water they were ready for land. Joseph didn't blame them.

His crew was quick to off load the survivors from the ship Caleb sunk, and Joseph lost them all in the small settlement along the beaches of the cove as soon as the anchor was down.

Joseph tossed Cecelia a pouch of gold coins. "Go blow off some steam. I'll stay here and wait for our drunken sailors to return."

That seemed to improve her mood. "Don't sink the ship while I'm gone."

He rolled his eyes as she walked away. Besides the carpenter and the few dock workers helping him, Joseph and Caleb were alone on the ship.

When he opened the door to his cabin, Caleb was sitting on the floor looking incredibly bored. "Captain."

Joseph took they key to his chains off his belt. "What do you say to some fresh air?"

Caleb perked up at that. "You're letting me go?"

"Not a chance." He bent down to undo the chains from the floor. "I'm just moving you to the deck."

"I'll take what I can get."

Joseph took him onto the deck and tied the chains to the railing of the ship. He was careful to place him where he couldn't reach any of the supplies on the deck, just in case.

Caleb took a dramatically deep breath. "Smells like dead fish."

Joseph snorted and sat on the wooden stairs leading to the upper level of the deck. "Sorry, the air isn't as fresh as out on the ocean."

He shrugged and leaned against the railing. "Like I said, I'll take what I can get."

Joseph smiled, slightly sarcastic. "If you try anything I'm shooting you and dumping your body in the water."

"Wonderful conversation, as always." Caleb looked up at the clear sky. "What's your plan for getting to Hawke? Somehow I doubt waiting for all of his ships to attack us until he comes for you himself is the best idea."

"That isn't the plan." Joseph wasn't sure he even had a solid ne yet. "I thought that desert island would have gold or something, not a person. I was just going to put a dent in his funds but we found you in that cave."

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