Chapter 34: The Red Wave

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I'm sorry this is late I was feeling very unmotivated for this chapter but I got it done only a day late so at least there's that. I'm trying to find the groove for this book after taking a bit of a break so hopefully the update is on time next week. Anyway enjoy, byeeee


Joseph and Caleb were at the back of the boat while his sister was at the front, leaning against the bow and looking down at the water. Joseph could see glimpses of red scales ahead of them, which he was still wrapping his head around. There was a mermaid swimming beside their ship while they sailed towards the man who had killed his wife. 

Caleb glanced at him. "You alright?"

"Just a lot going through my head." Joseph wrapped his hand tighter around the handle of his pistol. "I've waited years for this. But all I can think right now his how I'm not ready."

Caleb put his hand over Josephs and squeezed. "You are. You just don't feel it."

Joseph looked at him and sighed. "What if I can't-"

"You can." Caleb held his hand tighter. "You can and you will. You're a pirate, Joseph. And a damn fine one at that. You're the most capable person on the sea who can kill Hawke. And you have all of us backing you."

Joseph took a shaky breath and nodded. "Let's kill this bastard."

"Yes, Captain."


When they arrived at the Red Wave, Coral's mermaid crawled onto the side of the ship and sat with her tail hanging over into the water. "I know a way in. I swam under the ship and there's a hatch at the bottom of the ship."

An escape hatch? Hawke really was paranoid. But his tendency to be prepared was helping them unto his ship. 

"Okay. We'll go in through the bottom and take him by surprise." Joseph spoke quietly to avoid being detected through Caleb's invisibility spell. "We need to kill the crew quickly and quietly. Once the cannons from the second level stop firing we need to get onto the deck fast, before Hawke notices and realizes we're on his ship."

Coral glanced at her crab as it crawled across the edge of the ship and onto Damara's lap. "Damara and I are able to swim below and get it open. Crab will come back up when its open so you two can swim down and come through with us."

"Wait," Caleb looked at his sister in concern, "How are you going to hold your breath that long? And since when can you dive?"

Coral smiled and craned her neck to the side, where three small slits that were previously sealed shut opened. "You're not the only one with demigod powers, brother."

Joseph guessed her father was also some sort of god. 

Caleb sighed. "Well, good for you. Be careful, please."

Coral nodded and looked at Damara. "After you."

Damara pushed herself backward off the ship and slid quietly into the water. Coral watched her tail glint under the surface. "That never gets old."

After she was done admiring her mermaid, she put Crab on her shoulder, who clamed his claw around her collar, and dove into the water. Thankfully, her splash couldn't be heard over the sounds of cannon fire above them. 

Sons of the Tide (mlm)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara