Chapter 13: The Captain's Cabin

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Caleb froze as Joseph blew smoke into his mouth. He inhaled on instinct and it filled his lungs. When Joseph pulled away, a smile was tugging at his lips. "Well?"

Caleb exhaled and the smoke dissipated into the air. Whatever nerve the rum gave him was holding on strong, because he answered, "I don't know I think I need to try it again to be sure."

Joseph smiled, brought the cigar to his mouth, then slipped his hand behind Caleb's neck and kissed him again. This time, the kiss lasted longer. When Joseph pulled back, he stayed only an inch away when he made eye contact.

Caleb exhaled and smiled at the thought that popped into his head. "We're even, now, I think."

Joseph gave him a puzzled look. "What?"

"In the reef, I kissed you twice to give you air. You just kissed me twice to do somewhat the same thing."

Joseph huffed a laugh and smoke blew from his lips. Caleb could feel the alcohol chipping away at his self control. "I still don't know whether or not I like it."

Joseph looked at him like he knew what he was angling at. He took a long huff of the cigar, then pulled Caleb back down. Caleb's hands found Joseph's hips and pulled him closer, the smoke from the cigar mingling through their lips.

When they parted, Joseph stayed within an inch of Caleb's face. One hand was holding the partially burned cigar and the other was on Caleb's neck, his fingers digging into his skin.

Joseph looked up at him and smiled, his eyes glazed over and breath smelling like rum and smoke. "We probably shouldn't be doing this but I'm so fucking drunk I don't think I care."

Caleb laughed and pulled Joseph closer by his hips, just barely brushing their lips together.

"You know," Caleb said, brushing his finger over Joseph's bottom lip, "I haven't thanked you properly yet."

"For what?"

His hand slipped from Joseph's face to the nape of his neck. "For rescuing me."

Joseph's eyebrow raised and he looked at Caleb. To humor him, he asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Caleb's lips twitched at a smile, but he regained some sense of reason before he kissed Joseph again. "I don't want to do anything you're not okay with."

"I've been with other people since her." He didn't take his eyes off Caleb. "This is okay."

His heart was pounding. "Well then, captain..."

*18+ action starts here. If you do not want to read it, skip to the next chapter look for the bold and underlined text.*

He closed the gap between them, leaving no space between Caleb's bare chest and Joseph's clothed one. He'd have to even their amount of clothing out.

Caleb slid his hand onto Joseph's wrist, then plucked the cigar from his fingers. He pushed Joseph against the desk as he reached behind him to snuff it out on the ash tray. Joseph kept their lips together by pushing on the back of Caleb's neck, which Caleb was perfectly fine with.

Soon, Caleb was unbuttoning Joseph's shirt from top to bottom. He only broke away from his lips when he had it undone so he could take a step back and look at his now bare chest.

The fabric of his shirt was hanging off the bitten shoulder and barely handing onto the other, leaving his pecs and stomach fully exposed. He could see more of the mermaid tattoo on his hip now. It was a black-and-white picture of a naked woman with scales on her hips and a tail that disappeared into his pants. Her hair was long and curly, and he arms were tangled into it. Caleb bit his lips as his eyes trailed down the middle of his stomach and to his hips. God, his waist was smaller than Caleb thought it'd be. He raked his eyes along the line of his hips, then his waist, then his chest until they landed back on his face

He was leaning against the desk with his arms braced on the edge, his eyes hooded and impossibly inviting. "You're staring."

Caleb smirked slightly. "I'm enjoying the view."

Joseph tilting his head to the side, his sunset colored locks falling to the side as he did so. "Are you just going to stand there for the view or are you going to come experience it?"

Caleb took the few steps toward him and planted his hands on Joseph's waist. The skin was smooth, though a few faded scars marked them, and Caleb's hands fit perfectly. He dropped his head onto Joseph's neck and planted gentle pecks, trailing down to his shoulder.

Joseph craned his neck farther to the side to give him better access, which Caleb appreciated. He would have his mouth on every inch of skin if he could.

Caleb finally tilted his head to the side, looking up at Joseph from his slouched position. "I'll do anything you want me to."

Joseph's eyebrow raised and he brushed his thumb over Caleb's cheek. "Really? Anything?"


Joseph hummed, thinking, then brought his mouth to Caleb's ear and whispered something to him. Caleb smiled. "As you wish, captain."

Joseph watched him as his kisses trailed lower and lower, until he was bending down to reach his stomach. When he was fully on his knees before Joseph, he glanced up and his lip quirked into a smile. "May I?"

Joseph gave a small and quick nod of permission and Caleb undid the button holding his pants closed. He slid his hands down his thighs and squeezed, teasing.

Joseph's hand grasped his chin and made him look up. His eyes were dark and he was panting. "No one likes a tease, demigod."

Caleb smiled and let his thumbs brush over the softer bit of fabric bulging from the now open crotch of the captains pants. "You seem to be enjoying it."

He inhaled sharply as Joseph took a handful of Caleb's unruly hair and pulled his head up slightly. The way Joseph was looking at him had him willing to do whatever he was told. "Are you going to do this or what?"

Caleb met his eyes. "Yes, captain."

Joseph released his chin, but didn't let go of his hair. He led Caleb's face lower, until his breath was right over the budge. Caleb hooked his fingers under the band of the fabric and pulled, letting what was under come free.

With one last look at Joseph, who seemed to be struggling with the lack of proper stimulation, Caleb took him into his mouth.

Joseph's grip of Caleb's hair tightened, not enough to hurt but enough that he knew the captain wouldn't be letting go anytime soon.

Caleb took him all the way to the base, silently thanking his freakish lack of a gag reflex, thoroughly enjoying how Joseph guided him up and down while making near silent sounds. If they hadn't been on a ship with little too no barrier for sound to pass through, Caleb would've done anything to see how loud he could get.

His hands stayed planted on Caleb's thighs, squeezing them as Joseph bucked his hips slightly. Before Joseph could go further, Caleb pulled off of him and snaked one of his hands to Joseph's waist. "Having fun?"

His voice was rough from the abuse to his throat. Joseph's face was flushed and he was panting. "Obviously."

Caleb grinned. Josephs hand slipped out of Caleb's hair as he stood up. He pressed himself against Joseph, trapping him against the desk. "You're so fucking attractive when you look at me like that."

Joseph smiled crookedly and pulled Caleb harder against him. "Are you going to fuck me or what?"

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