XXV. The Return of the Ghost Warden: Walker

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The next day came and half of it flew by, torturously slow for our heroes. Even during lunchtime, they could have no peace. Maddie was shouting at people through the megaphone to eat, while also embarrassing the two siblings by giving them their lunch in front of the full school as if it wasn't clear enough that they were related to the two people that made the new rules.

At the same time, there was Jack, who had brought the RV and used it to have a ghost-repelling shield around the lunch area, ensuring the kids were safe from any surprising ghost attacks.

"Ha! This portable ghost shield only has enough power for fifteen minutes, so chew! Chew like the wind!" he shouted through the megaphone.

Everyone obeyed but Lina, who could only stare at her food. That bad feeling had not left her ever since last night and the constant attention on themselves, along with the roaming ghosts that she could not do anything about it, were slowly driving her insane. It even messed up her sleep, evident by the small exhaustion in her pink eyes.

On the other hand, Danny was stressed to the maximum and was not at his best either.

Sam noticed and decided to address it. "Danny, you okay?" she asked him

The male halfa looked at her. "Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert and my parents are at my school? *Quickly chews his food then holds his throat* And I'm chewing so fast I think I just swallowed my spork. *Phases his arm through his stomach and pulls the spork out* There we go. All I know is as soon as I get five free minutes, I'm gonna toss that blabbering hairball that started this back into the ghost zone!

Tucker leaned forward. "I don't think it was blabber. I think it was Esperanto," he said, talking about the language they heard the werewolf ghost speak or what they thought were mere random noises or words.

This made Lina focus on him and lift an eyebrow in confusion. The first time she ever heard that language.

"Esper-wha-wha?" Sam repeated, equally confused.

"Esperanto. An artificial language from the 1800s. Now its only purpose is to give geeks a secret language to talk to other geeks." Tucker continued as a geek appeared behind him.

"Hey, Tuck. "How is it going?"

"You know, (same) as always!" he replied in this Esperanto language and then watched as the other geek walked away from them. I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared. Like he wanted help."

Lina frowned her white eyebrows and poked at her food. "Scared...yes...he looked like that for a moment but of what? What could scare that kind of beast? Enough to bring it into the human world?" she started to ask questions.

There was silence among them for a moment before Danny's and her ghost-senses went off. It made their eyes double in size as they looked around them for a quick scan, hoping to see what caused this reaction of their ghost powers this time.

"Oh no. Here? Again?" Danny questioned.

"But we're chewing like the wind inside an anti-ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?" Tucker asked and on cue, the RV behind them blew up, causing the shield to vanish.

Sam pointed at the now-destroyed RV, with a crying Jack next to it. "Survey says, behind us."


Wulf appeared out of the wreckage of the destroyed RV but came to a halt when he was shocked by the collar, now being controlled by Bullet, who's with two guards behind him.

"You're using the collar? Walker said-" one guard spoke up but Bullet interrupted him.

"Walker isn't here!" he shouted and then noticed that their target had started to run away again. Oh, he was not going to let him escape from them that easily "Get him!"

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