XXVII. Walker's True Plan

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In seconds, the female Halfa found her back hitting the ground and she groaned as Danny helped her up. Immediately, the two of them stood back to back as they were surrounded by Kwan, Mr Lancer, Paulina, Dash, Principal Ishiyama, and the mayor, all of which were possessed.

Worse, was the fact that they were somewhere underground, which meant their escape and dodging options were very very limited.

Danny turned to the Mayor. "Walker! I should've guessed you'd end up in the guy that makes the rules!"

"Shouldn't you be running?" the mayor asked but in the voice of the famous Ghost Chief.

Danny smirked. "Shouldn't you?"

Suddenly everyone scattered except for Paulina, who tried to him. Yet, she barely touched him before Lina passed through her, coming from the other end as she pushed a guard out of the woman. Her eyes blazed red and she slammed the guard against the caverns, causing him to lose his grip on her.

At the same time, Paulina came to her senses. "What? Huh?"

She started to scream once she noticed the guard and Lina with her glowing red eyes. Before anything else could happen, the female halfa moved out of the way and Danny used the thermos to absorb and trap the guard.

"One down, four to go," Danny said as she landed behind him, covering his back and looking around.

"You saved me. So, you're like friendly ghosts?" Paulina asked, slowly realizing the situation.

"Wow, she got that faster than I had her capable of" Lina could not help but comment, still not liking Paulina and not truly feeling anything by the fact that she was a ghost puppet to a guard for a few days.

Danny elbowed her in the ribs and looked at Paulina, wishing he could spend more time explaining things; especially to her. However, he could not do it currently as he noticed another incoming threat heading their way and fast. "Yeah. With some friendly advice: RUN!" Paulina did not waste any time and she got out of the way, just in time.

For Kwan appeared with speed and tackled both of them to the ground. He aimed for Danny, the momentum sending him flying on Angel, who fell forward with him on top of her. This caused him to lose his grip on the thermos and he had no time to search for it as they were surrounded by the jock and their teacher.

Lina lifted her head and glared at Kwan with glowing red eyes, all while Danny's hand glowed green and was aimed at Mr Lancer. The two Halfa left their attack at the same time, this time with enough energy behind their attacks to force the ghosts out of them.

Once free from the possession, the duo started to run away at the mere sight of the ghosts.

Danny lifted himself and Lina climbed up on her feet the very next second. Both started to look around with worry. "Where is the thermos?" they asked at the same time, realizing they could not see it.

They needed it to trap their opponents, plus, if the other ghosts could use it then surely they would be dammed for good.

The two ghosts facing them, suddenly, disappeared into two ghost portals. This made Danny happy and Lina worried, as the duo quickly spotted the person that had helped them; involuntarily. Maddie uses her lipstick to draw two lines on her cannon, marking how many ghosts she had taken down and then she fired at the duo.

Lina and Danny pushed each other out of harm's way but in mid-air, Danny was tackled by Principal Ishiyama, who held him on the ground.

She pointed the Fenton Thermos at Danny, threatening to open the lid. "Looking for this?"

Before Angel could interfere, Wulff came from a portal and pushed the Principal off Danny. Lina immediately rushed to help him up, feeling extremely happy to see the Ghost Werewolf.

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