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** on matter what happens in life never lose your confidence **

When both are going suddenly car stop. what happen ? . I don't know . He comes out an opens car Bonnie and smoke comes out as soon as he opens . She comes out and ask . are you okay ? I don't think car will be start . let's go . 'Ok , .

He again feels like somebody following them . what happened ? . ' 'Nothing , . Eva . after listening her name she is shocked and looks at him . I mean Venus , this is the wrong road . We have to go there . you know this place very well . he started going behind slowly slowly .She hold his hand . Let's do it together .

what are you talking ? someone attacks on her , but she broke his hand and hit on his head . he was in shocked . What's happened ? , why are you shocked ? . Both started fighting with them .

While fighting with them he asked . How did you know they are following us . I know from starting . What ? , why didn't you tell me ? . I will tell you after the fight's over . 'Ok , .

After long fight someone shoots her . he trun back and see her . She falls down . He come her close . are you okay ? she starts to faint : , no ,no Dont close your eyes , okay ? . Can you hear me ? , don't close your eyes . He go to get the help . he searches a lot but he can't find help . he comes in front of the car .

hey ! Are you mad . Please help me sir . What's happen ? My wife is got hurt . I have to take her to the hospital . Ok , where is you wife . he lifts her up in his arms .

Both of them come to the house . Sorry sir , this is the emergency room you can't come with us . Do anymore but Please save my wife . Doctor start treatment on her . For a while she stop breathing . he looks at her through the mirror of door . after seeing she can't breathing he got more scared and comes to the room .

Doctor said . Why did he comes here ? . Go out . why she is not breathe ? Nurse , Take him out . I am not going anywhere ? Why she is not breathing ? Do something . We are trying our best , but please sir go out .

I said no . Please sir go out . Your wife will be okay . After sometime she started breathing .

After see she is breathing he feels. relief . Doctor come out your wife is out of danger now . Thank you so much . Can I meet her now ? . No , not now . His secretary comes there . Give me the car keys . He give him car key .
Take care of her . But boss you ? he starts to go . Boss , boss , where are you going ? Boss , he doesn't give him answer and go angrily .

He drive car very fast and come to the Mrs Han's office . She ask . Why did you come here Aaron ? and why is there blood on your clothes , what happened ? . He says angrily . Don't act , like you don't know anything . I knew everything . This time you cross your limitless .

I forgive you this time because she is okay . If you hurt her again , and even try to tuch her I will make your life hell . And also tell your daughter to stay way from my wife . It's my last Warning for both of you . And then he go .

She think I didn't do anything with her . Then why he is say that . Did Sib do anything with her . no , she can't .
I need to ask her . She comes to the Si's office . Si . 'Yes, "mom". Si , I want to ask you something . Ask "mom" .

Did it do anything with Venus ? I don't understanding mom what are you talking about . I don't know if any happened with her . Ok . She thik I her mind . I know my daughter can't do this . After her mom go her phone rings she picks up the phone . hello , . after taking with him , She angrily through her phone , and shoutout . Venus , I will kill you .

He comes back to the hospital . He go to the her room and sit her close and hold her hand . I am sorry I didn't protect you that time . I so sorry Eva . He is calling her Eva because when did he lifting her in his arms he saw 'Mark ' on her eyebrow . Eva did you hear me . Please wake up .

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