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Hello everyone this is part 9
I hope you like this part .

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               She comes there And seen there is lot of people's . What is all this now ? , I am getting late . She play the horn . Looks like someone has met with an accident here, she comes out of the car and starts going to that place. she asks a man. Sir, has anyone had an accident here? Yes, there has been a big accident. The car went straight and fell into the water below . Do you know whose accident happened ? . A share holder of Max Group has met with an accident .

What ?. She rush to see who have accident . she sees the car being crane is being taken out. She starts going ahead to see him but she is stopped by the police. You can't go inside.

See , please listened to me . We said, one thing, you cannot go there, you can get hurt there. Look sir, I know him, he is the share holder of my company, let me go. Waited for a while, these people are taking the car out of the water, after taking it out, you can see it, but till then you remain calm here . Ok i am here .

They get the car out of the water. He calls his uncle. She gets shocked to see. She says uncle. They keep the car on the ground, she comes running to uncle. She touches him, uncle ,uncle you can't die like this, uncle. A police officer says ma'am you can't stay here. He is my uncle.

but ma'am this is the place of accident you can't stay here you stand out of this place for a while, please. Ok, will you do me a favor ? Say ? . There are some documents in the car which are very important for me, please search them carefully and give it to me .

Well , i don't think documents will be in the car, they must have be drowned somewhere in the water, but if I found, I will return them to you . She leaves from there and sits in the car. She is very sad, she is talking by herself .

Uncle, how can you die from this, you said, tell me everything about her , you will give me all the proofs ,after all, how can you leave everything in the middle of this. She keeps quiet for some time and then suddenly says after some time .

Was it just a simple accident, or a well thought out plan? No, how can this happen, I am thinking too much, I should not think about it , then after some time she says, no, it was not a simple accident, it was not at all, it was a well-planned conspiracy, but when can do this Who can anyone even know about uncle and me that he is the one to give evidence against her After all how did she know, after all how ? .

police officer comes to him . sorry but we did not find any papers or anything else there but from investigation it seems that he did not have accident maybe his car was hit by some big vehicle if we get some evidence Or if we get any other information, we will let you know.

Ok then I will go now . When she was going She calls him but his phone is telling that it is switched off . Now what has happened to your phone, why is it telling that it is switched off .

She says to him, okay I will tell you everything the truth. Maybe you will remember something or not because then both of you were young, his mother had a very good friend who has now become his sleeping mother when I used to work there

* Flashback *

suddenly one day She came home, she was very lonely and helpless, she told them that my husband had beaten me a lot and then thrown me out of the house and i did not want to go home now .

If I went back home now, my husband Will kill me , he beats me everyday , I don't want to go home , please let me stay here , please . her mother was warm-hearted , so she said that you will stay with us from today And after today you will work in our company and don't worry about your husband we will handle him .

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