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Part :: 10

          No, she can't , how can she do?. No ,no , i am thinking to much my daughter is not like that ,how can she do this ? . No , she can't , Si's not
not like me I didn't raise her that way.

I'm thinking a lot, there are many trucks alike , how could be that truck this truck . Just forget that  my daughter can't do this, absolutely she can't do that , I shouldn't think like that and that too about my own daughter , no  , no don't think like this .

   she sits on the sofa she tries to calm herself down but she was feeling restless .

I should drink water she goes to drink water , She picks up the glass to drink but her hand was trembling, she holds that hand with her other hand , what's wrong with my hand , why this is trembling  ?. 
  clam down please , clam down . But still her hand was trembling , I have to call her and ask . she comes from there to her room and calls Si . she was sitting in the office and having meeting .

She seen her phone and pick up the phone . "hello" , 'mom ,hold on one minute  . Si  I want to talk to you right now  . what happened Mom , anything wrong  ? .

    Si i want to talk to you something important . Ok , just hold on one minute . she say to them . let's take a break for one hour after break let's continue our meeting  .

  'Ok  , let's take a break . Yeah , ' mom , say what do you want to talk about . She didn't say anything and thik . No , I Should not ask her like this , let her come home .

' Mom , ' mom , what happened ? , say something . I just , I call you because , because I want to ask you that when did you comes home, let's have dinner today . Ok , I wish come home early . Ok , see you then .

Eva was is in home in her room And thinking about her ' Uncle , about his accident . Her cell phone rings , and she shocked . It's just your cell phone Eva Nothing else . She pick up the phone . " Hello " . Sorry i didn't answer your because my phone's battery is dead . It's ok .

Why didn't you call me , anything important ?. She is feeling sad . Aaron . Yeah , say what you want to say . Aaron , I want to say . Are you okay Eva ?. You are sounding strange anything happened to you ? , are you okay ? ,say some . Calm down , I am okay , nothing happens to me . then why are you sounding so strange ? Something is happens right ,what happens ? .

Aaron uncle is dead . He shocked , " what are you saying , when this happened ? , how is he dead ?. he had accident his car fell into the water from the bridge . How , how did his accident happen ? .

He is coming to meet me to give proofs , while coming to give me the proof he had accident . All this has happened because of me, if I had refused him then, all this would not have happened today, if I had refused, he wuld have been alive today, I should have refused him that day .

Don't say like this, it is not your fault in this , and don't think too much about it . Until I come home, you stay at home, don't go anywhere, I am worried about you. She is not saying anything . Eva , did you hear me, answer me Eva . Yeah , OK . I will come soon , take care of your self . Bye .

After that she call someone . " Hello ". I am . Anything important ? . Yeah it's remember impact . say , what can I do for you ? . I want to find that bastard . You mean the one who caused your accident .

Yeah , I want it at any cost. Ok, so what can I do for you ? . You just bring me the CCTV footage of my uncle and my accident which happened a year ago .

Okay, I will bring it, but tell me one thing, you can do this work yourself, so why are you asking me to do it ? Something is wrong , otherwise you would not have called me .

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